Friday, June 26, 2009

Out of Town

Going to be out of town for a while coming up, and I don't know if I'll be able to get to a computer, so don't panic; I'll be back. Unfortunately, it's nothing particularly exciting, but who knows; maybe something exciting will happen anyway. I could use some excitement; I could use a vacation, which this is not.

My mood is improved today, possibly by the fact that I saw Sveta yesterday briefly, just a "hello, how are you," kind of visit. She's working now, got finished with her training, and I stopped by at the end of her shift, drove her home. We took a little longer than was necessary to get from her work to her home, but we didn't take that long, and sadly there was no sex, just some heavy petting. We couldn't do it outside her work, nor could we do it outside her house, but there's a nice little park between the two, and we parked there a few moments. Making out, nothing more.

Then I went home and Dad was perfectly happy to give me some closure. Rocked and rolled me like it was on sale for $9.95. It wasn't hard, it was just firm. I can't describe the difference, except to say that I'm more a fan of the latter than the former, and fast usually goes with hard, whereas firm can be slow and steady.

Falling asleep with a pussy full of cum was nice, which perhaps accounts for my improved mood today. Or maybe that I'm shaking the dust off, heading out on the open road, etc. etc. and so on. I don't know. I'm making the most of it while it lasts.

Lord, it is hot though. It's not like I'm a fat-ass either; I just don't like heat at all. I go around nearly naked whenever possible too, so basically I've got nowhere else to go. I can't do anything to make myself cooler. My car doesn't have working AC, so I get all sticky.

Of course, Mari loves hot weather, hates the cold. Sheri can take it or leave it. Mike's with me. My mom doesn't mind as much, but my dad hates the heat. Can you tell that we fight about the thermostat in my house? We've got an old heating system and window air conditioners, and it's never perfect for anyone. Just another reason not to wear clothes. Naked and sweaty is easier than clothed and sweaty.

Oddly, I find that my sex drive speeds up in the heat, though. Maybe it's seasonal. Except at times when I've been places during the winter where the heat was too high, I've gotten really horny. I remember one winter, when I was too young to be feeling this way (according to society anyway) the heating system at school broke, and we couldn't turn it off for a week. Had to open all the windows, everything was 80 degrees, and I've never been hornier in school in my life. God, it was unbearable. I was too young to do anything about it, really, but I did fidget in my seat to the point that several of my teachers pulled me aside and asked if I had a rash. Embarrassing.

Had I been a little older, I would have made some guys very happy. But as it was, I just rushed home to get my ya-yas out, only I would cool down while I went home, so by the time I was home, things had quieted down south of the border. It was a see-saw of horniness. I was really glad when they fixed the heat, because I was less unhappy and also it was easier to deal with the baseline horny that I always had as a kid. I guess I still have it; I don't know how it compares. I think I'm probably a little more satisfied now, but if I had to live with how life was back then, I'd probably have it worse.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Fun Facts

Okay, here's some more odd things, just little snippets, as I think of them. I don't know about sexy, but perhaps funny.

  1. I once dated a guy (well, dated is perhaps a strong word; we fooled around twice) who got off on having condiments poured on his cock. I shit you not; he called it his hotdog. I'm as open to weird things as the next girl, but he was pretty weird. He practically begged me to suck him off with hot sauce on his cock. I told him that hot sauce wasn't going anywhere near anything which could come into contact with mucous membranes, if you catch my drift. He thought I was being a judgemental bitch, and perhaps I was a little, because it's possible that I might have done it for someone else, but I wasn't really interested in him.
  2. I once attended a sexy Halloween party where a girl dressed up as Uncle Fester from the Addams Family, only upside down. I wish I had a picture to share, but the highlight was that she had one of those trick lightbulbs that you can put in your teeth and light up, only she had it stuck in her cunt. I wish my costume had been that original. She could make it light up and everything. I didn't know her, which is too bad because I imagine she might have been fantastic in the sack, with muscle control like that.
  3. I once participated in a very small-scale contest where guys tried to draw amusing things on girls' faces with cum. We didn't win; my partner didn't have a big enough load to do anything much. What frosts me is that there were only four couples involved and we placed fourth. But it wasn't exactly the Olympics. Basically, the couples went off to private corners for ten minutes, then came back to the common room and were judged. The winner spelled his name, which everyone agreed was fairly impressive, as I think his name was William or something long like that. I thought it was bullshit, and that the girl with the shamrock should have won, but I wasn't judging.
  4. I don't like having my toes sucked except in a situation where I can wash them off, like a shower or a pool. Something about the sensation of drying spit between my toes bothers me. I enjoy it as it's happening, I guess, but it's the afterward that bothers me.
  5. I once dated a guy (actually dated) who liked to kiss and lick my armpits and the inside of my elbows. I'm ticklish, but it didn't bother him at all that I would giggle and squirm. I asked him if he liked the smell, and he confessed that he did, which, I confess, put me off a little. I don't like BO, no matter whom it's from. But still, he could make me cum with his finger in my cunt and tickling me under the arm with his tongue, which felt pretty wild, being tickled two places at once. We had nothing in common except that I liked him to make me cum. I wonder whatever happened to him. I'd fuck him again, even with the fetish.
  6. I had sex with a lactating woman who, to the best of my knowledge, wasn't pregnant or nursing. She had enormous breasts. I'm not normally a "breast man" but it was her figure; it was proportioned perfectly for her tits. She was younger than I was too, but her breasts gave milk when I sucked on them. She didn't mind, but I wasn't in the appropriate frame of mind, I guess, so I didn't give her nipples as much attention as perhaps they deserved. I know people who would kill to be in that situation, as a number of them have told me repeatedly while groaning, "Why you? Why not me?"
  7. Aside from youthful experiments, I've only had a guy use ice on my cunt once. We were drinking, he put a cube in his mouth and went down on me, it was a shock, but an enjoyable one. At one point, he pressed a cube into my pussy completely. It was too much; I came hard, but it kind of hurt. If I hadn't been fairly drunk, I might not have been able to handle it at all. But aside from that, it was nice, and I'm not sure why I haven't done it again.
  8. Speaking of ice, sugar-free breath mints can be exciting when involved in a little cunnilingus. But I don't think I've ever had anyone but my brother do that, not since I was a kid still. And I'm pretty sure they weren't sugar-free either. We did some stupid things. Fortunately, we're neither of us the worse for wear, I think. Mint and then breath is very similar to the cold you feel from the ice. And it helps those guys who aren't into the taste of the pussy, poor guys (and poor gals who are involved with those guys).
  9. I was told once that my snatch tasted of boisenberries. Odd. Certainly the most in-depth discussion of my cunt-taste that I've ever had. It was like talking about wine, which is pretentious bullshit so maybe this was too.

Well, that's it for now. As always, if you've got any ideas for other wacky facts, let me know. Or ask a question. Or whatever. I do have a few questions submitted which I haven't gotten to yet, mostly because I'm lazy and moody, not necessarily in that order. But I'm working on it, I promise.

Bad Habits

Those of us who aren't me don't have the monopoly on doing things which aren't good, and just because I do some things which other people might consider to be bad but which I don't, doesn't mean that the rest of me is squeaky clean. I do my share of things which I think are probably not the best.

For instance, recently I've been drinking more frequently than I usually do, and it's not generally because I want to have a good time. When I was in college, I drank, and I did it to excess on numerous occasions, even did it to the point where I did many stupid things, drank in situations where I shouldn't have, all that. But I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing it because I had a problem; I was doing it to have a good time. Now that's probably no excuse, but at least I was just fooling around.

But recently, I've been drinking because I'm depressed. I believe the technical term is self-medication. Sometimes I drink to have a good time, but that's mostly because I'm moody enough that I think I won't have a good time if I drink. Yes, I'm a little tipsy right now. Nothing serious, certainly nothing I would call drunk. I had a drink. One drink. I'd have another, but I don't feel up to it.

Also, I've been having unpleasant thoughts. I think I'm bored with life, so I'm only excited by things which I know are wrong. I've thought about things like that, and seen things, and read things, and what's worst, I've been turned on to the point of orgasm by things which are totally wrong. I feel bad afterwards, but it's never enough to keep me from doing it again when I get bored enough.

I worry that either I'll become some horrible person who actually does the things I fantasize about, or that I'll become so jaded with life that I'll have to resort to more and more twisted, fucked-up things to get off, to feel anything at all. I'm pretty sure that either of those options is a mental illness.

And I'm scared of that, because I'm scared of doctors and opening up to people, and I'm sure that if I were to tell someone about my life, they'd say that my family is wrong and is fucking me up. And if that's true, I don't want to know about it, on top of the fact that I don't think that confidentiality would protect my father, let alone the rest of my family. So obviously, I can't talk about that stuff with anyone.

God, I'm really moody as hell recently. Maybe I should get back on the other pill, except my doctor said she didn't think I should be taking that one, too much hormones or something. Maybe I should try a third. Maybe I'm going crazy.

I just know that I don't want to stop being aroused by my Dad or Sveta or Mike or Mari or Shari, or any of the other great people who arouse me. And I don't want to become an alcoholic, for which there is a certain precedent in the genes of my family. I just don't have enough motivation to stop drinking or to stop doing the various nasty things I've been doing recently. It's making the whole Sveta situation incredibly tough: I can't tell her about my family, and I'm not going to tell her about other stuff, so I feel like I'm just not being there for her.

And I'll admit, I can't stand the thought of her going off to college and finding someone else. Frankly, I really enjoy the fact that I'm like the alpha and omega to her; she's got no one else but me, and being needed in that way really... I feel so guilty right now.

Anyway, you all already know about the fact that I have unprotected sex far too often, and the fact that I'm corrupting a minor and have done so in the past, and the drunken binges, and the self-destructive behavior in general at times in my life, so yes, I do things which aren't good, for me or others. Basically, all I want is for someone to tell me it's okay, that I'm okay, that my family is okay. I'm not a victim of abuse. My parents love me, and I'm not just blowing smoke or believing a lie. If that weren't true, my entire world would fall apart. Right now, I'm just moody.

This is starting to sound like justification. I'm not justifying. I just want to be mostly sane and happy. What more can anyone ask?

God, I promised a sexier update this time. Damnit. Hang on, let me think of a story or something.

Friday, June 19, 2009


I have to get up obscenely early this weekend. I'll be out of the house before my parents are up. I'll be out of the house before I might normally go to bed. Oh, the crazy theatre schedule.

So one of two things will happen: 1) I'll be exhausted and weepy and moody and stressed and I won't do anything, or 2) I'll be all those things, but I'll also be unable to sleep and will be incredibly horny. I just know that I won't be able to see Sveta, or anyone else, so either way, I'm not likely to get any action this weekend, which sucks because I was sort of hoping.

It's possible, if somewhat unlikely, that I may get so insomniac and bored that I'll blog a whole bunch. I doubt it; I'm getting too old for that kind of thing. Seriously, I can't pull all-nighters like I used to.

So yeah, right now I'm less weepy and depressed and more angsty and depressed. There are small children playing outside my window, and normally that might inspire some kind of maternal instinct, but right now I just want them to shut the fuck up. Earlier they were out there and I was feeling philosophical, wondering how their childhood differs from mine, besides the obvious things. Am I happier because of my non-traditional upbringing? I think so; at least, I think that there's not a problem with letting children explore sex safely, and obviously I think my family is great. But occasionally I wonder if innocence has its benefits too. I just don't know.

Maybe it's a problem of sex being seen as not innocent. Maybe if we were more enlightened as a society, children learning about sex would be seen like children learning about anything else. Of course, there's a part of me which wonders if any knowledge, no matter how "innocent" we think it is, isn't just a corruption. But that's way deeper than I wanted to be right now. Right now, I want the kids to shut up, or at least take it farther away from my window.

I guess when my siblings and I were younger, we were kind of noisy too. I know we were noisy when we were fooling around. Kids make a lot of noise when they fuck, not necessarily verbal, but it tends to be more energetic and animated. That was one good thing about having the playroom in the basement; it's on the lowest floor, so you don't hear pounding on the ceiling. But there was plenty of bed-creaking in the house.

I don't have enough experience with children's sexual development, but I know that all three sisters went through a vocal period. I know that starting out with anal, I was very noisy. I used to make lots of noise, or so my brother says. I don't remember being that much louder myself, but I guess I could have been.

We had lots of carpet, so the noise of footfalls and rolling around were lessened, but if you get going hard up against a wall, that's just as noisy. Sheri once chipped a tooth, she fetched up against a wall so hard. It wasn't at the house, but that should give you some indication of how hard she likes to be fucked up against a wall, especially since she chipped the tooth but kept right on taking it from behind. I've never been that into rough sex, but I'm sure that I made my share of thuds against walls and doors.

One thing we've never had problems with is music or TV. Everyone keeps their music quite low in the family, and the TV too, when it's on. There have been a few occasions of really loud music, but it's isolated incidents, not ongoing fights about volume. And everyone was pretty tolerant of sex noise too; I only recall a handful of times having to ask someone to keep it down, and only a handful of being on the receiving end of such a request.

These kids are loud because they're talking loudly and running around. I'm just not in the mood right now. I would be in the mood if we lived in a totally different world and these kids were being loud because they were naked and fooling around. I wouldn't interfere, but I'd think better of the noise right now.

Hell, all little kids go through exploratory phases. Why is some exploration so frowned on? I know why, basically, I'm asking a rhetorical question because it pisses me off.

This was such a bullshit update. I'm really going to try to write something better next time.

Drama Bullshit

If you don't care about drama and are here to get off to sexy stories, I totally understand, and I love that I can get you off, but you'll probably want to skip this post because I'm venting and it probably won't be terribly sexy. Don't feel obligated to read it; no one else should care about this shit.

So I'm very moody the past few days. Well, actually, I've been kind of moody recently. It may be because I switched to a different pill with lower hormones. It may just be random shit. I don't really know, nor do I care.

I've been wanting to cuddle a lot, and with Dad back working full time and Mom now doing some work of her own and me not having as much work, that means I'm stuck alone a lot. I'm still horny as hell, but I also want to cuddle too, which means that basically all I want to do is fuck and then stay there cuddling until it's time to fuck again. That's no way to build a railroad.

I can't just pick up random people to do that, and I can't get that from Kate and Roger, and I've really got no one else to turn to except Sveta. I can't keep her in my house 24/7, but I do have her over. I love feeling her wrapped in my arms. I've even gotten to where I enjoy sleeping snuggled up with her, although I can't stay that way for very long, so I usually wake up after a few hours with joint pain, for whatever fucking reason. Then I have to get up, which sometimes wakes her up, and then I feel bad.

But being that I'm basically going steady with her, I have problems. One is that she'll be leaving for college before I know it, and it's not even that I don't trust her, or that I'm worried any more about anything but my own selfish desires, it's just that I won't have her around, and I'm going to miss the hell out of her.

The bigger problem, though, is that I feel like she needs me to make some kind of commitment to her. She's certainly committed to me; I don't know too many times when she's told me she couldn't see me, even if it meant putting something else off. And while I don't turn her down often either, we're both pretty serious about the relationship now, to the point where it's really hurting me to have to keep secrets from her.

I can't promise to be monogamous, any more than I want her to promise that. I'm almost positive she is, but I'm certainly not, and that was understood from the beginning. I don't think it's necessary to make that promise; my parents are one of the best couples I know, and they fuck other people. But if I can't commit like that, I feel like I should at least tell her about the other people in my life. She knows about James, obviously, and I've told her about Kate and Roger, as far as telling her that they exist and I've been with them. I make sure to get tested and tell her that too. But I haven't told her about a lot of other stuff, and I feel like it's a half-assed commitment if I'm only mentioning a small part of it.

If this were some bullshit high school movie, I'd give her my class ring to wear, but as it is, I'm not planning to propose to her, and other than that, what more can I commit without letting it all hang out, so to speak? It's distancing me from her, even if she doesn't mind, even if she doesn't want commitment.

Maybe I'm scared of committing, or maybe I've just got a healthy fear of being open about something which, let's face it, is a pretty big deal. People are accepting of me being sexually adventurous, but opening the incest can of worms...

I haven't told many people the whole deal. Some people knew certain things, but I feel like if I want to be open with Sveta, I'm going to have to reveal everything. And there's a part of me which says that that's bullshit, and that she might not want me to be that open. I just don't know.

Anyway, when I'm holding her, that's all I'm thinking about, and it's fucking up my chi. At least when Dad holds me, I don't have to worry about commitment. I don't want to ruin my relationship with Sveta by being too open, but I also don't want to ruin it by doing nothing. She's beautiful. I love her, I've said I love her. That's not as big a deal as it used to be, which is, I guess, why I feel like I have to prove it somehow, and if I can't do it the "traditional" way, I don't know how to do it.

I'm really not asking advice, I'm just, as I said above, venting. Dad's on a business trip, Mom went to bed early to get up tomorrow, and I'm all alone in the house, and despite there being serious issues, I just want to call Sveta up and ask her to come over so I can wrap my arms around her, feel her against my skin. I'm such a wuss.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It Took Some Doing

The pictures below have been removed because of Blogger's no-nudes policy.  Sorry :(

I had to do some serious scrounging to make this happen for you all. It wasn't all unpleasant, but it was complicated.

As I've mentioned many times before, my computer situation is annoying. I have fairly regular access, but it's not mine, and I can't really mess with it. Plus, it doesn't have any of my stuff on it. I really need to get another computer so I can at least get my stuff off my old one.

So first I got that computer. Then I asked Sveta if I could borrow her camera. I said it was to take some pics of me for her, which is true. I won't be posting those, because they're for her. But I also got the camera to make everyone here (all five of you) happy.

I got a pair of white cotton panties (for cotton) and wore a white cotton skirt too, just to make sure it was as cotton as it could get. I didn't put on the panties at first, for reasons which shall become apparent.

Then I had Dad fuck me. I wish I had multiple guys, because... well, you'll see (plus I always wish that) but Dad was enough. He didn't ask why I was wearing nothing but a cotton skirt; he's not picky. He fucked me from behind so I could try to get as much cum inside me as possible.

When he came, I just stayed with my ass in the air for a few moments, enjoying myself, let him finish up, told him to wipe any stray cum on my ass or the dress, whatever. Then I covered my pussy with a hand and hotfooted it back to my room, where I had the camera set up.

I put the panties on, let them get good and wet, tried to squeeze out as much as I could, then bent over and took a few pictures. Below, find the best one. My boob looks so much bigger turned like that. You can see something on my panties, and I've blown it up for better viewing, but it's really not as awesome as I hoped. I'd need some bukake for that.

But here it is anyway.

You can see the dampness, but not really the cum, I guess. If it weren't for the cotton part of things, I would have taken a different shot. God, look at how curly my hair is with the humidity. I had to doctor this photo to show up the cum too.

So that was the voyage of discovery on that. Tried, didn't quite succeed.

But that's not all, kids. I thought I'd try to describe, in as much detail as I can, how I feel when I get penetrated. I won't go thrust-by-thrust, just the opening act. For the sake of my memory, my Dad will be the partner. I closed my eyes when he started, so I think I can describe it clearly.

My pussy feels empty to begin with. It always feels empty right before it gets filled. The worst thing that can happen is if I get to the point where I'm really feeling empty, and then for whatever reason sex doesn't happen. I can almost feel the heat of his cock against my skin as he takes his usual place behind me. I'm dripping wet; I can sometimes feel the moisture oozing out and drooling down my thighs. On a hot, humid day, it's sometimes unpleasant, sweat and pussy juice making me all sticky.

I hear him breath in slightly, and the tip of his cock touches my labia. Sometimes it's an electric shock, but usually I just tense up a little, no matter how hard I try to relax. Every time is a little like the first time. Well, it is when I'm paying attention. Most of the time, this stuff just passes right by me in the rush to get a cock inside me. But I was paying attention.

I feel the hunger in my belly first, like my womb is crying out. When I was younger, I didn't think about it that way, but now, I feel his touch in my belly and up into my nipples, which are usually hard by this point. It feels womanly, his cock just grazing my pussy. I used to feel hungry like I needed to eat something, which meant that I often had a bit of a snack after fucking, sometimes even during.

Then he breathes out and eases forward, and the tip parts my lips and presses just slightly at the entrance. Feeling a cock parting my labia is just a prelude to the cock stretching me as it penetrates me, but it always makes me feel the most empty I ever feel. I've never had to stop at this point, never had a guy get this far and then not go the rest of the way, but if I did, I think I would probably implode.

Sometimes the emptiness between my legs is arousing, and it makes me cum, just a little one. Usually that's not the case, but if I've been a long time without it, it can drive me crazy. Most of the time when I'm really hungry for it, this part goes by too fast anyway; we just rush to fucking. But once or twice, that supreme emptiness has made me shudder and tense up a little. It doesn't do anything but engorge my clit a little more, really, but it's a good way to start.

Then his head presses, and I feel my pussy open to him, and the emptiness is calling to be filled, and the tension in my pussy goes away completely. The first penetration with a man I love, I'm probably the loosest I'll be the entire time, funnily enough, since I tighten up after the first penetration. Not with everyone, but if I'm not nervous or upset or emotional, and I'm just really into it, my cunt opens for my Dad, and a few select others.

I feel the base of his cock run along the bottom of my clit as he slowly slides in, feel my pussy walls spread, no matter how open I am, the muscles rippling along. He moves his hands to my hips or waist at this point, because he's nearly all the way in, just holding me there, not gripping yet. That comes later.

I won't lie and say that I feel every inch of him; it's a pressure and a spreading that grows, but I can't tell how deep he is, really. I can say, "Oh, he's all the way in," or, "He's still pretty shallow," but I can't tell to within an inch. The nerves down there aren't specific enough for that. But when the spreading stops and I feel the tickle of his hair or the touch of his balls against my clit, I know he's all the way in. Sometimes he gets so deep he's pressing my cervix, which is a sensation I can't really describe. It's like my stomach is tightening, only lower. It can be very nice, but I know some people don't dig it, and that's okay. For me, it mimics to a certain extent the sensation I get when I'm close to cumming, but it doesn't usually actually make me cum, just make me feel like I'm full up and I can't take any more. I guess maybe that's why some women don't like it; they feel all pent up but they don't cum. Maybe it's just too deep for some.

I also feel the skin of his stomach sometimes pressed against my rump, and if we're being really acrobatic I might feel it against my asshole, which usually makes me wish I had a cock in there too. I can feel him breath through his skin pressed against me, feel his pulse. Not always, of course, but if I pay attention.

When he withdraws, as he has to at some point, the emptiness comes back but mixed with serious arousal. I like the sucking feeling when a cock slips back out of me, the rubbing against my clit, the way the muscles relax inside me after having been spread. There's no vibration, just in and out. I cum clitorally, but I think I also have deeper Os that come from somewhere else. I don't know whether I believe in G-spots, but I do feel like the root of the clit is probably sensitive too, and getting fucked for me stimulates it. Again, it's a hard sensation to describe; some women say it's like having to piss, but I find that it's more in my belly than my bladder, unless of course I've got a full bladder. Right down at the base of my stomach, between belly button and pubic bone, right there, I feel a tickle, a tingle, a pressure, a tension, something.

I don't usually cum right away; it takes at least a few thrusts to bring me off most days. But if I do cum right away, it's either from the emptiness as I described or it's because I was very close clitorally and some part of the guy touches it, maybe if the guy goes in deep and grinds, as some guys like to do, before beginning to thrust. I enjoy a little grinding before thrusting; if you're a guy, you should ask your partner whether she likes that too, and if she does, do it. It's easier on your muscles than pumping away, and some girls really like it.

Cumming isn't a balloon blowing up, it's not something building, it just gets more and more tight and then I can't get any tighter and all the muscles relax, at least that's how it feels. The best thing about cumming on a cock is that when all the muscles relax, the cock keeps them tense because it's inside, stretching them. So it's like a see-saw; they relax, the cock presses them open again, and the wave hits again. Something like that. A guy who can fuck in rhythm with me cumming is someone I hold on to. It takes a bit of practice or luck. Dad can do it, so can Mike. I've gotten lucky a few times.

Anyway, that's how I feel. Hope you liked the pictures and the words, and please request things, because right now, my life isn't interesting enough to fill a blog.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

2 Years

I just remembered that March was my 2 year anniversary on Blogger, and I did fuck all in remembrance of it. I'm accepting suggestions from the peanut gallery as to what would be a good commemoration, although I won't guarantee that I'll follow any suggestions. But I feel like I should do something.

Hell, I forgot last year too. But I can make it up to you and the blog if you tell me how. Suggestions graciously accepted if not necessarily acted upon. I did a picture last year; what can I do this year? What's the 2 year anniversary present supposed to be anyway? [EDIT] Just looked it up, and it's cotton. Any cotton ideas?


Okay, now for the final part of the week. Memorial Day, which has never been a big deal for me before, but Kate invited me over for a BBQ, and I said what the Hell. Over I went, and well, you all don't want to hear about BBQ. It was just Kate and Roger and their sons Kevin and Liam, for those of you who (like I did) have forgotten the aliases I was using for them all. Seriously, I can't remember the names I give to people. I have a hard enough time with the real names. That's why I wish the search would work. Anyway...

They're very nonchalant about everything, I guess hippiness dies hard. We were smoking up right in front of Liam and Kevin, outdoors with the grill. They didn't offer any to their kids, but they didn't hide it either. I didn't get really stoned, just had a toke or two to take the edge off. I did drink. A lot. There wasn't anything but wine, and I hate wine, but I was parched, probably from smoking and the heat and being outside, so I drank probably a bottle of wine, maybe more. Being high makes it easier to drink things I don't like, and after the second glass I wasn't tasting it much anyway.

Well, stoned, drunk, and half-naked were the order of the evening. It was nice and cool, but I was still hot, so I took off my shirt after a while, lounged around in my bra and skirt. Everyone enjoyed that, to the point where Kate took off her top too, except she didn't have on anything underneath. It was a backyard barbecue, obviously, and no one could have seen. Roger had his shirt off, and Liam took his off too, but Kevin kept his on; I think he was a little shy.

We had burgers and sausage and I ate a little too much too; I've had to rein in my consumption, not really a diet, just a compensation. I think I may have an extra inch on my hips from Memorial Day, damnit. And I didn't really care that Liam and Kevin were there, started making out with their mom. I was really trashed by that point. I think the high had worn off, but I was drunk as hell.

Eventually, my bra was off too and I was up between her legs, pulling her shorts down, and fuck me if I wasn't pulling aside her panties and eating out her cunt. With her kids watching too. Didn't I tell you it was a hell of a weekend? Roger was enjoying it, and I think that Liam was too, frankly.

Eventually it got darker and obviously we were done barbecuing for the moment, so the grill was shut off and we moved inside. Kate and I headed for the bedroom, and I think Liam wanted to follow us to keep watching, but Roger intercepted, and after that I just don't know what happened. Eventually Roger was in the bedroom too, and there was more pot being smoked, although I didn't have any, and fucking commenced in earnest. If I hadn't been so trashed I might have tried to convince Roger to give me a little anal action, but as it was, he was so wound up by watching the two girls go at it that he didn't last long in Kate's vag, just pumped a few times and then shot.

He was out of the picture, just watching us go at it, and we 69ed and licked and diddled for a while, I can't really say how long.

Then we all sat around, they smoked even more fucking weed, it was insane the amount of pot they were smoking, and we all got hungry, so we went outside in the dark, totally naked, fired up the grill, had some more food, drank more wine. Honestly, how I managed to not die of alcohol poisoning is a mystery to me.

I started fooling around with a sausage, noticed Roger was beginning to have a nice hard sausage of his own, got down there and sucked it hard. Then I practically begged him, slurring and stumbling, to fuck me, which he managed to do. Kate just sat back and watched her husband railing me, outside at like 3 AM, totally naked, exposed to the elements.

He pulled out and came all over my belly; he was fucking me lying on my back on a table they have outside. Kate wobbled over and halfheartedly started to lick it up, but they both looked totally wrecked. Oddly, I was raring to go at that point, but they both wanted to hit the sack. Obviously I wasn't going to drive home; hell, I had another glass of wine after they went to bed. I asked them if I could use their computer, if I recall correctly; I may have said I wanted to look for porn. They didn't give a shit.

And then I got on their computer and blogged, the first blog about the weekend. I don't know why I didn't blog about what had just happened, except that I guess I wasn't interested in that. I was really drunk. Looking at it, I'm somewhat amazed I managed to sound so coherent.

But that's still not all. Because after I blogged, I sort of passed out on their couch, totally naked. Later, probably a few hours later, I came to, still pretty blitzed, and found Liam staring at me. He was in his underwear, and I could see he had a nice bulge in them too. He'll probably grow up to be bigger than his father, which isn't saying a whole lot, but it'll be sizable.

Like I said, I was still pretty drunk, and kind of feeling a little hung over. I staggered to my feet, not really caring what Liam was doing, and went to get a glass of water, rinsed my mouth out too, trying to get the stale wine taste out which was really making me ill. Then I came back and lay back down because I couldn't stand up any more. Liam was still looking at me in the doorway, like maybe he thought I wouldn't notice him.

Hell, I didn't care if the kid wanted to see me naked. His mom's a dish, but I'm younger and probably easier to see naked. I know that most people would find looking at their parents naked to be a turn-off, not a turn-on.

I was a little curious, and I just sort of closed my eyes mostly, and watched him out of the slits. Once he thought I was out of it again, he moved a little closer and started rubbing his cock through his underwear. I think maybe he wanted to come closer, but was too nervous. Anyway, he jacked off for a minute or so, then I guess he came, because he moved pretty quickly out of the room and I heard the footsteps go up the stairs.

Now, I was drunk, and maybe this was all a hallucination, and that's certainly what I'll say if the FBI ever investigates me. I passed out again shortly thereafter, but I must admit, I felt really sexy having Liam jacking off looking at me. It works on me; it doesn't work on other girls, but I do enjoy people finding me arousing (which, by the way, is why I'm not insulted, but rather flattered, if you write me and tell me that my blog makes you cum).

Eventually I made it home, incredibly with all my clothes on. My skirt and panties were in the bedroom, my shirt where I'd left it, and my bra on the ground near the grill. I didn't wear the bra home; it seemed like a good way to feel dirty, and I felt fairly dirty already.

So then I recuperated for a day or so, and was boring as hell. And then I had to jump back into the fray. I'm still not totally recovered; it was a hell of a week.

Strictly from the fantasy angle, I've had a few thoughts about Liam doing more than just jerking off. I was drunk enough that I might have done something foolish. It helps pass the time to think about it. For the benefit of law enforcement, it's not something I'd ever do. I do wonder about the family though; I didn't say anything about it, but I doubt it would have been a big deal, since I was fucking his mother in front of him for fuck sake. They have a family dynamic which is strange to me; it's more open than a "normal" family, but less than my own, which means that it doesn't fit into a box and I'm slightly mystified. If they'd just come out and define themselves for me, it would be easier.

So that was one heck of a week, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. As always, I can be reached for comment in the various ways everyone should know about, including lexinaughtygirly(AT) You kids are smart enough to figure that out, right?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Well, from my limited testing, Blogger's search widget is broken, but I've added it to the right anyway so you can try it. Hell, if it worked, I'd love it because then I wouldn't have to search through past posts to see what stuff I've already talked about.

Sorry that this isn't the completion of last week. I've just been busy. Maybe later today, maybe not. But in the mean time, you can try out the search box and see if it works for you. I just know that I typed in "sveta" and got back no results, which is utter and total crap. Maybe it's just this computer.