Friday, June 11, 2010

Flash Comedy Friday - Pornus Interruptus

Don't look at this one first.  You want the one below this one.  This one is my spirit-salve I was talking about in the addendum to the previous one.  Seriously, read that one.  Down there.  Then you can come back here if you want.

   Vouyers by Martin Toye

"Right, right, give me power, seduction, the full treatment. Right at the camera, like you're trying to bore a hole through the lens with pure animal lust. That's it darling, just like that, yeah, one more, okay."  

"How much longer are we going to go before we get down? I mean, this is supposed to be fucking porno, right?"

"Okay love, just one more, one more like this, like you're really waiting for it..."

"I fucking am waiting for it."

"Look right there, right at the camera, and just feel that waiting."

"Do I come in now?"

"Shit, have you been in the background the whole fucking time? Right, reset, from the top!"


The Panserbjørne said...

This one cracked me up. For raw emotive power I think I prefer the first one, but for playful tone this one has that one beat all to hell.

Thanks again for joining us twice this week!

-- PB

Max said...

Very nice! I started going down this exact path (porno director), but I couldn't get it right, so I took a different path. Well done.

Happy FFF!

netsfan_44 said...

I liked this better !!!

Different take on the pic !

Diable Incarne said...

"Porno"? This is a "promo" for a new body wash... *laughs*