Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It's official: all the emotions and shit were indeed a preview for There Will Be Blood.  In other words, my fickle menstrual cycle is once again punishing me for not having the decency to get pregnant.  My poor little eggs, dropping one by one like flies in a bell jar.

Thankfully, Sveta is not.  Not so thankfully, Mike isn't here, which means that my principle means of sexual expression during this particular time of the month, anal, is not an option unless I can find someone else to do it, which I doubt because vaginal bleeding makes me feel less sexy for some reason.  I did ponder the idea of seeing if Roger would fuck my ass, but I don't think it's worth it, and Kate would be left out, and I can get off here at home, just not as well.

I don't get it as bad as some people, and it doesn't last a ridiculously long time, and the pill regulates it fairly well, so I'm lucky and I'm really not complaining about it.  I don't bloat much, or cramp up much, or really do anything other than bleed and miss out on sex, which is torture for me but hardly torture objectively.  I'm sorry, by the way, if you're one of those people who find the vagaries of the female pregnancy machine a bit disgusting.  It is what it is, and I have no problem talking about it, no more than I have a problem talking about the other components of pregnancy, penetration and ejaculation.

So since Sveta is completely open to possibilities, she asked why it mattered.  I could have kissed her.  In fact, I did.  But while maybe she wouldn't be grossed out by it, I am a little, honestly.  I'm not a big fan of blood, and it makes me feel somewhat less sexy down there.  So I praised her adventurous spirit but said we'd find another way to work it.

The way we're working it is in the shower.  I can eat her out, no problem, and she has fingers and kisses everywhere else to work on me.  And we trotted out the strapon so she could use that on me too.  The girl really likes the strapon, I'll give her that.  She enjoys wearing it much more than I do.  We've talked about next time maybe including the double dil in the regimen as well.  And I'm pretty sure that eventually she's going to wear me down and I'll let her try out licking me even though it doesn't seem sexy at the moment.  Who knows, maybe she'll hate it.  Not hate it, but not like it.  But I'd probably do the same for her if she asked, and while I'm not asking, I love that she wants to do it.  It makes me think that maybe some other topics might be broached in the near future.

It'll be over in a day or two, I hope, and then back to the normal things in life, like getting eaten out by your smoking-hot teen girlfriend while she takes your Dad's cock straight up her tight, tasty little snatch.  I am gloating a bit.  Sorry about that.


inherservice said...

I earned my "red wings" before I was old enough to realize there was a stigma attached to it, and have been very glad of it through the years. Before I married it delighted more than a few and shocked a few others; after I married it not only was one of the times my wife "got off" best, but also reduced all the other side effects for her immensely.

Now that life has moved beyond that for her, I rather miss it...

May you both discover a delight you had never thought existed!

Anonymous said...

Speaking proudly as a guy who's happily gone down on lovers who were having their cycle, more than a few times in fact, I applaud Sveta's willingness and enthusiasm to brave the current and explore new territory.
I totally understand your reluctance, Lexi (as much as I can, being a guy), but I also encourage you to give it a whirl. Some women I've known found it to be a singular pleasure that made that time of the month something to look forward to.
Whatever your decision, all the best. =)

- Bob

Naughty Lexi said...

It really isn't that I'm afraid I'm going to make her throw up, or even that I find the idea of doing it myself to someone else who's riding the red tidal wave disgusting, it's just that unfortunately periods make me feel unsexy. It's like fucking when you haven't had a chance to shower for the past few days. You feel sympathetically not sexy, or something like that.

Honestly, I'd rather ease Sveta into some other things which I find much sexier. We're going to talk about that, I promise.