Wednesday, May 9, 2012

TMI Maybe

I don’t need a special month to masturbate.  But apparently some people need to celebrate it, so hey, it’s May, which begins with the same letter as “masturbate,” right?  So does March, but why not?

1. How often do you masturbate?
A lot.  Less recently, but still, probably more than most people.
2. What are you doing to celebrate Masturbation month?
Um… masturbating?  Sure, why not?  Sorry if I sound flippant about it, but I don’t really care about official months.  I was doing it before, and I’ll keep doing it.
3. Do you like to watch your partner masturbate?
  1. Yes, it turns me on.
  2. Sometimes, because it gets my partner very aroused.
  3. Not really, it’s boring.
  4. No, it’s a turn off.
  5. I’ve never experienced it but I’d like to.
I enjoy watching partners masturbate, but really, I’d rather be having sex if I have a partner with which to do it.
4. Do you let your partner watch you masturbate?
  1. a. Yes, it turns me on to be watched.
  2. b. Sometimes, because it gets my partner very aroused.
  3. c. No, it’s embarrassing.
  4. d. I’ve never experienced it but I’d like to.
Absolutely.  But again, if possible, sex.
5. Mutual masturbation? Yay or Nay?
Sure; again, sex better.
6. If you had an all-expense-paid trip to San Francisco to attend Masturbate-a-thon 2012 would you go and masturbate? Why or Why not?
If I could arrange the time, I’d probably go, just as an excuse to travel.  Can Sveta come too?  I’m fine with masturbating as part of a crowd.
Bonus: Are you addicted to masturbating?
I think there’s a fair chance of it.  I can live without it, but given the opportunity, I do it.  And it bothers me a little to think about this question because I hate that something so great is an addiction, but it probably is for me.  I’ll still fuck first and masturbate second, but it might be a little unhealthy, particularly as it also plays into my OCD about collections (i.e. I collect porn).

Hope you all enjoyed, because I got a job and have much less time for a lot of things, so I may be getting even quieter than I was.  Priorities are hell, but they’re priorities.

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