Friday, July 20, 2007

Bummed Out

So my sister had a miscarriage.

Yep, all those in the audience who thought that was going to happen, raise your hands (I'm raising mine). It was last week, I guess. I've been on the phone with her pretty much nonstop since then.

It was far along too, all developed and everything. The doctor said he was pretty sure it wouldn't have been a healthy child even if it had made it to term. Well, even if she had made it; I should really be a little less callous about the whole thing. I'm not a big believer in "life begins at conception," but this fetus was alive and a girl. Now, I guess, it's dead and a girl.

My sister was pretty upset, and so was my brother. My parents were upset too, because the kids were upset, but they weren't surprised either. I mean, Sheri's had so much trouble conceiving anyway, incest probably didn't help that. She may never have a baby. And it's extremely likely that she'll never have one by Mike.

So I guess at the house we're all sad for Sheri and Mike but not really surprised. Life goes on.

And the selfish thing is that I'm only really upset because I never got to fool around with my sister while she was preggers. I mean, that's kind of sick, right? I should be sad for her, but I'm just wallowing in horniness, if that's even a word.

Well, my sister isn't going to be one of those crazy women who gives a name to her miscarriage and posts pictures of it on the internet. I think she donated the remains to science, or something like that. I don't know, maybe secretly she gave it (shit, I've got to be more sensitive, her), gave her a name and buried her in the back yard. Since she doesn't have a back yard to call her own, I don't know how likely that scenario is.

Please don't post comments sharing your condolences. I don't really need them. If Sheri had a blog, I guess I'd point you in that direction. The condolence she really wants is to get knocked up by someone, so if you know her and you're a guy, fuck her. I guess if you're a gal, you could fuck her too. She's not shy.

Mike, on the other hand, is relieved too. He doesn't really care whether he becomes a father, he just has an impregnation fetish. I mean, he's not really old enough to be a father. He told me he was off impregnating for a while, which is good news for me because that means he might have some time for me in the near future. He's been on the job this summer, doing something that I hope makes him real money, but which I don't understand because I don't get high finance. But Chicago isn't that far from my house, and he could stop by. I'd even let him try to get me pregnant, if he wants. It won't work because I'm careful, but we can play at it.

I don't know who reads this, but if Mike does, get your ass down here.

Okay, enough drama from my family.

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