I have so much stuff to talk about, it's going to take a supreme effort of will to get through it all. Not that I don't want to talk about it, but rather that I don't want to skip right to the end. Since it's a sequence of events, even though I know the end and I want to skip there, I'll start from the beginning so I can make sense of it all. Also, I'm a tease and I'm building tension. Chances are good I may not get through all of it in one post, plus there'll be more stuff tomorrow, so be prepared for a cliff-hanger.
Right, so first I've got to go back in time to when Sveta and I arrived home. I said there was a meet and greet with the parents, but I didn't specify because at that point it didn't seem important. But during the meet and greet, Dad gave Sveta a big kiss, not on the lips, but more than a peck on the cheek between friends. I don't know what possessed him to do that, honestly. I said something, and he said, "What, I can't enjoy kissing a pretty girl?" Sveta blushed, I thought with embarrassment, I mock-glared, and Mom swatted him playfully on the shoulder. I thought it was just my Dad doing what he does, being a flirt. He's done similar things with my friends in the past, and he's just that kind of Dad. I know he kind of means it, but the objects of his attentions don't. They think, "Oh, Lexi's Dad is that kind of Dad." It's not sexual, it's just... Dad flirting. He is something of a notorious flirt.
Anyway, we'll come back to that. Finally got to sleep way too late, woke up the next day, felt like crap. But getting to take a shower with Sveta washed away a lot of my crappiness, and we wound up using up far too much hot water, then retreating to my room to eat each other out for what seemed like the better part of an hour.
Then we went out, walked around, held hands coyly in town, ready to break apart at the first sign of trouble. I confess, I'm still getting used to the idea of Sveta being my acknowledged main squeeze, and she's nervous about being found out, so we don't do the PDA thing. Went to the town bakery, bought some delicious rosemary rolls, and ate them under a tree.
It was getting a bit nippy, so we went back home, but it was nice because we got to go out and do something. Then we sat around in robes for a while and talked. Boy did we talk.
I now know what's going on with Sveta's family. Turns out that her parents are divorced, her mother lost custody because she has substance abuse issues, and her dad remarried when she was very young. She has two adult step-brothers, and they get all the attention. Her step-mother doesn't like her very much, her father sides with her step-mother, and basically Sveta is the child no one wants. Has been for almost all her life. Her step-brothers were in college when her Dad remarried, so she hasn't ever really had them as family; they're like family friends. I take it her step-mother is considerably older than her father.
Anyway, that's why she gets no support from them. It got pretty emotional when she was telling me this, and we were both crying and cuddling and just kind of holding onto each other. She basically has never told anyone but me everything she told me. I think she felt good getting it off her chest, and at the same time she was worried that maybe I'd stop loving her or something (ridiculous, as we all know, but perfectly understandable given her situation). She's been being fucked over by people from the get-go, so I think she expected to get fucked over again this time.
Well, when I told her that I loved her even more because of that, I made her day. Hell, I probably made her year. We had a long talk, the particulars of which I won't go into, but basically it boiled down to me saying that I was in love with her and wasn't going to fuck her over. It seemed like a good time to make love, so we did, slowly, tenderly, me doing pretty much all the work at first, my fingers slipping up into her wet space and stroking her, my lips carressing every inch of her skin. She came almost immediately when I got between her legs and started kissing her pussy, didn't even have to work at it. It was beautiful.
Then we went out for dinner just because there was no dinner available at home and I wasn't up to cooking and we didn't want to wait. We sat in the booth at the diner side by side, and honestly, I'm pretty sure it was screaminly obvious that we were romantically involved. But who cared? Certainly not me. The waitress was this older lady who seemed touched by us, so she got a big tip for being nice and accepting. The worst thing about going out with Sveta is that... well, she's short, I'm tall, people think I'm her mother sometimes. I'm really not that old, am I? I'm not to the "hot Mom" stage yet. But I don't really care.
We went home, and on the car ride home started talking about my parents, my family in general. Sveta said something about my Dad being nice, and I agreed. Then she remembered him kissing her the night before, and it turns out she wasn't embarrassed, she was happy to be complimented. She's got a crush on my Dad. I tried not to make "whoohoo" Daffy-Duck-style noises.
She's okay talking with me about sexual things, even things which might seem beyond the pale in most conversations, so even though we both knew that my Dad was married (for the purposes of the conversation, I knew that, even though I also knew it didn't matter) we talked about him like he were some hot new hunk. She knows I'm perfectly comfortable talking about Dad that way; we've had hypothetical conversations about sex in the past that have strayed into territory of that sort. I was never ballsy enough to complete the push and break on through to the other side, so to speak, but we were discussing my Dad in somewhat embarrassing detail.
When we got home, we went upstairs and had some fun with toys, working off the sexual tension that had arisen talking about Dad. Sveta even said, "Lexi, your Dad's hunky, and if he wasn't your Dad, you'd think so too." We giggled, me a little falsely I'm afraid, because I'm a wuss. I could have said something, but it wasn't the time.
It was getting late, Sveta had been up way before I was, and after she came all over my fingers as I was toying with a plug in her ass, we settled down, curled up, and I got ready to wait for her to fall asleep, then get up and do the insomnia thing. Hell, if I can't sleep with her, at least I can hold her while she falls asleep.
She was being kind of chatty though, pillow talk mostly, but eventually we came back to the subject of her family, and she said, "I'm so glad I'm not keeping that secret from you any more."
Well friends, apparently there's nothing on Earth more likely to produce an impulsive reaction in me than hearing words of love from my girl. Because before I could stop myself, I said, "I have something I should probably tell you then."
And then the world crashed to a halt, and I pondered just how I was going to get out of this one. It was like bullet time. My brain was sounding red alerts, trying to figure out who had authorized my mouth to form those words, my voicebox to provide the sound for them. I think I might have transformed, momentarily, into a turtle and pulled everything into my shell in an instant. Maybe if I distract her, she'll forget I said anything. Maybe she's asleep and I can just tell her, "Go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow," and then she'll forget. Maybe I can run, right now, and spend my life as a nun in some distant nunnery. We've all been there. Self-preservation, in this case, clammed my mouth up completely. I just don't know how it dropped the ball on the first sentence.
Now don't worry, because there is a happy ending to this tale, but this post is getting long and I can't go on with it at the moment. So you get the cliff-hanger as promised, and I'll write some more as soon as I can.
1 comment:
Damn you left me sitting on the edge of my seat wondering "how the hell is she gonna start THAT convo!?!" I'm rooting for you though :) I think she will understand, or at least I hope so!
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