Thursday, October 15, 2009

Some Stills This Time

No, sadly, not of me. But Sam (visit his site for being a good boy at although I should warn you that it's on a slightly different subject matter from mine) was kind enough to send me a gallery of pics of a very cute girl in pigtails, and we all know how much people love cute girls in pigtails. He said I could post it, so here it is.

I do not certify that this site is safe. If you're worried, get some good medicine. In fact, even if you aren't, remember that looking at things on the Internet is like fucking a stranger; don't just pull down your pants and lube up. Make them work for it. That being said, I've been there and didn't die, so maybe this stranger doesn't have Martian Death Syphilis, but better safe than sorry.

Feel free to send me porn. In fact, if there are any ladies out there who have suggestions for good porn from a female perspective (now that would be a college major, wouldn't it?) please, I'd love to see some. I tend to go for traditional stuff, but I'm open to new experiences. Rock me.

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