Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where the Blog Is

Just some brief things:

As you can see by the poll, opinion was divided 3:2 in favor of the skinnier banner. I know there's no way to make everyone happy (well, okay, there is, but it involves a lot of work that I just don't have time for) so I hope that going with what I'd pretty much already decided and sticking with the skinnier banner won't make everyone miserable. To the 22 people who voted for the old banner, you can get a copy of it here, and I hope that upcoming plans may salve your grief slightly.

I decided, not initially, but after I heard from enough people that it seemed like the skinny banner would walk away with the victory. Then there was a late-in-the-day push for the old banner. Perhaps I should compromise and make it slightly larger, but not back to the size it was originally. I just wanted to hear your thoughts, and what I heard, predominantly, was, "We're happy with it whichever way."

We're into the 600s, posting-wise, but as promised I am not making a big deal about it. Not until I get to 1000. However, Blogiversary is coming up, and I am going to throw a bit of a blogday party, so keep an eye out for that.

I've talked with a lot of very nice people over the past year (they know who they are) and had followers and comments and so forth from many more, and despite all my sarcasm and attempts at wit, I really do love you all and while I don't want just to do whatever you want, I don't mind knowing what you want so I can make informed decisions. If you've got questions or comments or quizzes I should take or TMIs I should fill out or whatever, please let me know because if it weren't for people letting me know, I would never have started doing some of the fun stuff I've done in the past. My office door is open.

So thanks for being around, and thanks for everyone who's linked to me in the past or said nice things about me or given suggestions or voted in the poll or just lurked, because even the silent viewers are great. I don't mind. I started out getting no comments on anything, and if everyone lurks and no one says anything, I'll probably keep going because I enjoy doing it. And if I stop liking it, no amount of commenting or linking is going to keep me here. Luckily, that doesn't seem to have happened yet.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your around, and as long as you care to write I will read.

Naughty Lexi said...

@Kenny: So that's one vote for "Keep writing" then ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Lexi,
I'd like to complain. I believe people just voted for the replacement banner because you called it 'New' and 'Skinny', and the other one 'Old'. Unfair ageist/sizeist bannerising, if you ask me. If you'd regularly referred to the new banner as 'Recent' and 'Short', and the previous banner as 'Classic' and 'Hot', the votes would have very likely gone the other way. For how long are we to put up with these things?
Yours sincerely, Brigadier General 'Papa Bear' Tongueincheek (Mrs.)

Naughty Lexi said...

Dear Big. Gen. Papa Bear Tongueincheek (Mrs.),
When I was a lad I was beaten regularly every five minutes and it never did me a bit of harm, aside from blurred vision and psychotic episodes. I am now President of the United States.
Richard M. Nixon (Mrs.)

Phew, bet that's a job and a half, ma'am.

Miranda said...

I didn't vote, but I will tell you that the smaller banner makes your blog much easier to read if using an android phone and keeping your page set to full view.

Naughty Lexi said...

Now see, that's something good to know. Thanks Miranda; since I don't have a phone which can see webpages, I have no idea about the mobile side of things.

Chapter Two said...

this is your home, do as YOU please

Naughty Lexi said...

Just because it's my home doesn't mean I have to be rude to guests ;) I will not be making any decisions based solely on what other people want; I won't be doing something I don't want to do just because others want me to. But I do like to know what people want, so I can try to give you what you want while still giving me what I want. Most of the time, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Advizor54 said...

Screw your house guests...Seriously, please, I'm a guest, right?

How do you through a blogaversary party? I'm dying to find out. What year is it and what is the traditional gift? I want to be as good a guest as you are host.

Naughty Lexi said...

How do I throw a blogiversary party? Well you'll just have to see tomorrow.