Friday, February 3, 2012

Flash Fiction Friday - Crystalline

Unknown Title possibly by Adam Spizak

I was nowhere near Barstow when the drugs began to take hold, alone and scared and shitting myself with anticipation. The guy promised me a good trip but then he left, they all left, and I was clawing at the air trying to break through. It’s like reverse birth, only instead of a baby there’s vomit. Lots of vomit. When my pineal gland opened unexpectedly, I breathed out creation, and there were crystalline spheres floating in front of a stunning broad, totally naked, waiting for me to fuck her brains out. I don’t recall much of the rest of it, but the lay was good.

“Come to me,” tinkled the crystalline voice, and he dove deeper, down where there was no air, into the deep, velveteen blackness, until he saw spots grow and resolve into a myriad of worlds, and sitting before him the Mother Goddess, shamelessly displaying her wanton form, beckoning him. “You seek to understand life,” she whispered. “I hold all the answers.” And where lesser heroes might have turned back, he strove on, and thrust himself into her in a rush, and found that all he understood was that birth was a woman’s work, and that he merely provided the seed.

His control of her was not total, and Pina wandered the dark halls, crystalline light seeping from unseen lanterns. It wasn’t such a bad place. Her mother wouldn’t approve, but each night in his bed she found a new meaning for pleasure. He was cold, to be sure, and yet... she hadn’t decided to leave.

Her eye lit on the fruit. What was it about pomegranates? She had forgotten. Though they looked and tasted strange, she feasted on the juicy seeds, never noticing how they anchored her there, until she no longer thought of leaving at all, even when her mother called her home.

Three. That's right. Three. They were so short.

The first... well, the joking reference came to me immediately, and I felt like writing something gonzo-ish and silly. Can you really blame me? Okay, yes you can.

The second and third were iterations; I thought of the third but wrote the second, then had to go back and write the third. The second is a more reasoned and mythological take on the idea of enlightenment, which seems to have completely escaped the narrator of the first. And then in the mythological vein, Proserpina, or Persephone, lent herself. Three different takes on what the non-female things in the picture are (spheres, worlds, pomegranate seeds), three different looks, or just three things which came to mind. You be the judge.

Good to have FFF back this week. Head over to the headquarters to see what's shaking and take a look at all the other great stuff. Me, I'll be busy Friday, which is why I'm writing this in advance. I may not even get to add my name to the list until quite late. But head over there and see other people's work. It's worth it.


Word said...

Not bad at all. :) I think I like the third one the best.

France said...

Your FFF are always so wonderfully written! Happy Friday :)

Word said...

Three interesting takes. I think the third one is my favorite. BTW, had issues trying to post last night. the blog word verification wasn't working.

Advizor54 said...

Your words are always worth it, and they make me think very hard to figure out all the literary references. I like the challenge, and I can't wait until next week.

Good luck on a busy friday!

Jack and Jill said...

All three are great, but the reference to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas sets the first one apart. Of course I don't blame you!


Ram The Sunlover said...

I enjoyed #3 the most - Greek mythology is the original porn, after all...before porn got separated from everyday life.
Nice work!

Anonymous said...

three stories? yay! like the good ole days. i enjoyed all three.