Wednesday, February 8, 2012

TMI In Bed

Does anyone else do that with fortune cookie fortunes? Or is it just me? No, I know other people who do. Anyway, it seemed apropos for this week's TMI, for which I'm too late but I don't give a damn.

TMI Tuesday this week was submitted by My Undercover Metamorphosis. Thank you! Show her some love, stop by her blog and say hello.

1. A friend is coming to have sex. There are 3 twin beds and an air mattress in the room. What do you do? (choose one)
  1. Have sex where ever we land first, who needs a bed?
  2. Have sex on a single twin mattress
  3. Have sex on an air mattress
  4. Or? (tell us your solution)
Pull all the mattresses off the beds, lay them out strategically, and then go at it on them. Or, if the room isn't mine and it's someone's who might mind mattress stains, I might consider the air mattress, because they're easier to clean, being rubber and all. But they aren't my first choice.
2. What is the oddest thing you have in your bedroom that someone would be surprised to find. Why is it there?
I think I may have once mentioned some odd books I own (non-sexually odd, I hasten to add, because really, odd sex books wouldn't be out of place in my room) but the oddest thing I have in my bedroom might be my bedside lamp. I won't go into detail (for various reasons); it's just out of character. I've had it forever though, so it has sentimental value if nothing else.
3. What are your favorite sheets?
  1. Flannel
  2. Cotton
  3. T-shirt cotton (jersey)
  4. Satin
I love flannel sheets, although if it's hot, I sometimes prefer something more sheer. Cotton is okay. I've never had jersey, and satin is too slippery for me. Too cold too.
4. Do you sleep with sheets tucked in or out? Why?
Until I started spending a lot of time with Sveta I never knew that tucked-in sheets were anything that people really did. I only ever encountered them in hotels or in bedrooms which were clearly supposed to resemble hotels in their neatness. I know hotels are disgusting, really, but they look neat and trim. Anyway, "making the bed" isn't something I do all that often; I like rumpled. And I don't get tucked-in sheets at all, which bugs Sveta a bit, I think. She likes them. I feel constricted and drafty. To each her own.
5. What is your usual bedtime? Why?
Usual? Hahahahahahaha*snort cough choke gag wheeze*hahaha. I'm on Tokyo time, if Tokyo observed 38 hour days or something. I fall asleep when I can.
5. Do you sleep with closet door(s) shut or open? Bedroom door shut or open? Any particular reason why?
It depends. In places where people might see and I don't want that, I close the bedroom door. And I keep closet doors closed as a matter of principle, not because I'm afraid to sleep with them open. Hell, in my house, I don't have a closet in my room.
6. Have you ever broken a bed or other furniture during sex?
I never have. Other people who were fucking me have, but it was never my fault. Mike.
7. What’s your favorite type of bed for sex?
A nice big one, soft enough but still firm, possibly a pillow-top or a memory-foam-top. I like big though. Plenty of room to move. Making love on Sveta's tiny little dorm bed is tough on my aged form.
8. What do you sleep in?
  1. Lingerie
  2. Underwear
  3. Day clothes
  4. T-shirt
  5. Nothing
All of the above, at one point or other. I've been sleeping in underwear more than usual recently. At home, I sleep naked most of the time. I don't wear lingerie to sleep in, and I've never really had any pajamas, per se, but I have worn over-sized T-shirts to bed, and on occasion I'll pass out in day clothes, although that's a real rarity. I guess mostly either nothing or underwear. I suppose I should do the mature thing and get some sleepwear, but I'm not mature.


Advizor54 said...

I like hearing this kind of detail in TMI, it's cute (#6), sexy (#7), and useful (#1,4,5), you know, just in case.

And, it's nice to find someone who agrees with me on Satin.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on all points.

Satin is about as bad as it gets. My feet cramp at the thought of tucking in sheets (I just pull it out again that night so, why bother), and naked it the only way to sleep.

I break beds all the time.....I have a thing for breaking head boards apparently...

Johnn said...

I know I'd love to ask Lexi a question or two about trying certain sex taboos. ;-)