Tuesday, January 4, 2022

TMI Tuesday

What is wrong with dating?

What's right with it? Dating sucks and I think we should just do it like animals in the streets and then if you liked it, you can go to dinner together.

Seriously though, I think the worst part about dating is communication. It takes a while to build up a level of trust and safety where you can safely express the needs that most people have with regard to dating. Like, it's really hard to say, "Hey, I don't really want to date, per se, I just want to fuck." That's just off the top of my head though; there are plenty of variations which are equally difficult to deal with.

It also wouldn't be a bad thing if you found out if you were sexually compatible before you invested a whole lot of time in a relationship. Not that sex is the only thing there is, but for a lot of people, they wind up not being pleased with that aspect of the relationship but maybe liking the person otherwise. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could find that out and then decide, okay, we're just going to be friends?

Yes, most of my dating complaints are sexually-oriented, but not all of them. It's also just really hard to meet people these days. I know, dating apps exist, but... okay, there's this short film that MST3K riffed called What To Do On a Date which is from the 50s and it's all about figuring out places you can go and things you can do for low-stakes dating. We don't really have that anymore, or at least we don't make it plain to kids. Like, the film, from the 50s mind, encourages teenagers to go on dates with multiple different people, shop around a little. These days, shopping has become very hard, and there's a lot of pressure.

I don't know. I don't really date anymore, but when I was sort of doing that, it was tough and I hated it, and I put out like a sailor after a three year hitch.

Is it unreasonable to hope for mind-blowing sex when you have been together for several years?

Absolutely not. Sex should get better as the relationship ages, honestly. Maybe it's not new and exciting anymore, but that should mean that you've learned how to do it better than the early fumbles and attempts. You should learn your partner's body, their likes and dislikes, what turns them on, etc. If "mind-blowing" equates to "new and exciting" only, then you really need to examine your relationship with sex.

That said, sometimes novelty is the spice of life, and there are people who don't enjoy the same routine, even if expertly performed. I'm cosmopolitan: I like the old familiar, not just for comfort but because it's just what I want; and I also like new and exciting. Sveta seems to gravitate to old familiar. Funnily enough, our tastes in food mirror our preferences in the bedroom in that regard. I wonder if it's linked or just coincidence. I'm not all about novelty in everything, and Sveta is hardly a stick in the mud.

A local sex educator is holding orgasm classes–as in how to give an orgasm. Would you sign up to be a student or be the demonstration model?

I mean, there's always more to learn. I cum easily so I'm not sure I'd be a good model, or maybe I'd be a great model, but I still want to learn more about how to give orgasms. Receiving them is relatively easy. Giving them? I would hope that an orgasm class would involve pairing up and getting as much hands-on experience as possible with different partners, not just because it would be hot but because different strokes for different folks.

What’s the word or string of words your partner can say to you that sends you over the edge the quickest?

"Take me now, right here!" There's something incredibly arousing about enthusiasm.

What is the nickname of your partner’s pussy or dick? Did you name it or was it already called that?

I honestly don't have a nickname for Sveta's pussy. It's just Sveta's pussy. Sometimes we joke about tits being called "the girls" or something like that but I appreciate good innuendo enough that a single nickname for any part of the body being used sexually is too limiting.

Is rebound sex empowering or does it leave you feeling lonelier?

I'm not sure it's either, for me. Rebound sex is just a fact of life; I'm not going to go without just because I broke up with someone. That said, it's been a while since I had what could truly be called rebound sex. When I broke up with the significant partner of my younger years, I had some angry fucks with people I probably wouldn't otherwise, and that's not really healthy and it certainly didn't leave me feeling empowered or over him.

Would you rather watch porn every night forever or never watch porn again?

Every night. It wouldn't be much of a stretch.

Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behavior or wish you had?

I mean, yes. I have been promiscuous even by my standards at times. These days, I'm just promiscuous by most people's standards.

Are you happy with the number of people you have slept with?

Sure. I've been very lucky, and while I could always use more, I'm not sad to have had the number of partners I have. I'm certainly not ashamed of it, even in company where most of my sexual escapades are not common knowledge. When I was in high school the other girls tried to slut-shame me, but it didn't work because I didn't care whether everyone thought I was a slut. They gave up and seethed jealously.

How do you cope with a sex drought?

I masturbate with the best of them. It depends on how long the drought has been going, but it can be anything from desultory rubbing to full-blown date night with myself. This is assuming a sex drought which cuts me off from my usual supply somehow.

When I was having my lady parts issues, I had an orgasm drought but I was still having sex, just not really enjoying it very much. Other than that, I haven't suffered too many droughts which most people would qualify. I've been lucky, as I said.

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