Friday, February 25, 2022

Speaking of Anal

We were speaking of anal, right? Of course we were. It's me.

Anyway, I've been going through some old files and stuff and I've found some pictures from who knows when, and I figured why not share one with my faithful reading public? I'm pretty sure it's my brother and I, but beyond that I have no context. No fun story to share, just a little eye candy for you.


Advizor54 said...

I would pay a lot of money for your family photo album. :-) It's a great picture and, I'm sure, a wonderful memory.

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely one,

I'm just going to send you an email here -- rather randomly -- because I can do so anonymously. You have asked for questions, and I'm not sure I have a specific one. However, we haven't heard about your relations with your dad in a while. Is he ok? Any updates on your family would be , ahem, "stimulating" for this reader.

Also, way back when, you talked about how sexy it would be to be pregnant. Have you and Sveta decided against kids? If so, why? (Your dad having his granddaughter for the first time would be just . . . fucking hot.)

Finally -- and it does seem the questions arrive when I start rambling -- where do you find the porn you describe? My googling for similar things often leads me to sketchy sites that feature WAY too young girls. I suspect that's not your jam -- even if you started at such an age yourself. I have flexible ideas about ages of consent, but I'm pretty sure these sites are run by human traffickers. (And I have a much less flexible ideas about consent.) Anyway, posting links to things you find hot would also be good for some of us.

Naughty Lexi said...

@Anon: I will get to these questions as soon as I can, but for porn I'll just say that I browse a fair amount and it's usually just stuff from PornHub or I might get back into posting porn-of-the-day with reviews, I just haven't felt up to it yet, and until you commented I wasn't sure it was what any of my readers wanted. See, comments do get read and acted upon :)

A54 said...

Memories can be wonderfully vague and amazingly arousing at the same time. You have lots to pick from.