Friday, October 5, 2007

Teri Hatcher

I was reading Newsweek, which I probably shouldn't do for several reasons. One, it's a farce, with about as much value as a new outlet as a tabloid. Two, there's no porn. When will people learn? But I was bored.

So I read the article written by Teri Hatcher about her abuse as a child by her uncle. And it made me sad, for two reasons. One, there are far too many people being abused in the world. Way too many. Young, old, or medium, there are too many people being abused.

Two, it gives the love I have for my family a bad name. Because it's not just incest that's abuse. There's a lot of rape and abuse in this world that has nothing to do with incest.

So I'm against it, and I applaud Teri and everyone else who's out there trying to do their part to make it better. If I wasn't sure that I'd be a lousy councilor (because of many things, not just because I'm into incest) I would volunteer to council victims.

But let's get it straight: abuse is abuse is abuse. If my father had raped me, like my mother's father raped her, then I would be a victim of abuse. But he didn't. There's nothing which says that incest must be abuse, just as there's nothing which says that all sex before a certain age is abuse, or that all abuse is incest. There are laws, sure, but let's face it, there are laws on the books which say that homosexuals are illegal, and I certainly don't support those either.

I'm not a campaigner, so I'm not going to go to Washington to lobby for a pro-incest bill, but it's the same sort of thing. Legalizing incest is no more going to cause more abuse than legalizing homosexuality will. Let's be real. The most publicized child abuse scandal recently has been homosexual, but I don't think that legalizing homosexuality is going to make every priest in the world instantly jump an altar boy. They'll do it, or they won't. And it's wrong, and that has nothing to do with the morality of homosexuality. Rape is wrong.

Sorry, I'm getting steamed up over this because I don't like rape (well, a little roleplay is okay, but that's where it should end) and because for some reason incest and rape seem inextricably linked in people's minds. They aren't.

I think I'm going to go participate in a little non-rape incest as soon as possible, just to show everyone it can be done. Who's with me? Get your partner's permission, and maybe we'll have a protest love-in. Anyone want to set a date?

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