Seriously, someone ask me some questions. This generic stuff, while illuminating when compared to other people's answers, is still pretty generic. From TMI, as always.
1. What are your thoughts on Polyamorous Relationships?
Human nature being what it is, it may not be for everyone, but I don't think I can be any other way. Actually, I'll go one further; I can love multiple people, and I also think that, beyond the bounds of the love relationship, I can fuck people. It should be honest and something that all members of the love relationship are okay with, and obviously it cuts both ways so people I love are allowed to fuck other people. It's complicated, but I guess I don't equate sex with love, nor do I think one presupposes the other. So while I think you shouldn't be indiscriminate with your love, you can love multiple people and that's not cheating on any of them as long as they all understand how it works. Or something like that. Yeah, it is complicated which is why the question continues to be a difficult one for most people.
2. What is on your list of relationship "deal breakers"?
If you don't like my family (and you don't have to want to fuck them, but if you don't like my family) then it won't work. I might still have sex with someone like that, but it won't be anything more than sex. If you're cruel to animals, you're done. I can't abide animal cruelty (yes, PETA is calling me a hypocrite for eating meat, but PETA thinks everyone is evil).
Communication pretty much encompasses the rest of the problems a relationship might have; if there's not at least an honest attempt at communication, it's not going to work. Not that I'm necessarily the greatest communicator, nor that you must be an open book. But your basic, normal communication is key. And if I don't respect you as a person, which is a difficult thing to quantify and is also somewhat hypocritical because I often don't respect myself, but if I really don't respect you on a moral level, say. Yes, I have morals. Plenty of them, in fact.
And of course, if I don't really like you. Yeah, that's the obvious one, but I've gotten into relationships by accident with people I didn't really like. Not so much any more, but when I was younger and people managed to talk their way into a relationship after I fucked them, because I don't have the same ideas about personal relationships that some people do. Sex doesn't really mean shit to me in terms of commitment. I'm not saying I'm easy, I'm just saying that fucking someone is a good time, not a prelude to marriage.
3. How long did it take you you to find the type "you are into" and/or accept it?
I'm not sure I have a "type." I sometimes enjoy the sexual explorer, but I also get off on innocence. I'm picky I guess, but not in any one way. Things just have to be right, I guess. Either that, or my answer to this question is, "I haven't yet."
4. What is your view on full disclosure about past relationships? (Lies of omission not lies of commission)
I don't think you should have to make sure you tell your partner every single thing. If something's important or likely to be trouble, then that should be said, but if there's something which slips your mind or wasn't a big deal, then I don't care if you don't tell me and then one day it comes up. I can't make a complete catalogue of my sexual experiences even with someone who knows everything about my sex life. There are things to be proactive and up-front about, and then there are things which might get lost in the shuffle and that's fine. And then there are a few things which one should talk about, but which one doesn't, and if there are good reasons for that, I'm very forgiving. I'm not talking about having cheated on me, I'm talking about the stuff which is too painful to talk about. Obviously, eventually it should come out, but I don't hold it against people for having some things which are too private for anyone. I have a few myself.
5. Have you ever been in a situation where you were not comfortable complying with the adventurous request of a lover?
Sheri's sprung some things on me which I wasn't totally okay with, but I went along with it because that's what she does. I've told her no a few times too. Other than that, I've probably mentioned things like the condiment guy and several guys who have been interested in scat. But I'm willing to try a lot of things, and I usually don't hold it against someone if they mention something I'm not into and then say, "Okay, no problem," when I tell them I'm not into it. Even if they try to convince me about some things. But if it becomes a big deal, then it's a problem, because there are some things I'm not going to do no matter how hard you try to convince me, and at a certain point it starts getting annoying.
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