Because this is topical (although I have one in the pipe which is Christmas-topical, so I can't care that much) I'm doing the TMI today, and next week we'll have a bit more of a wait for the next one. As always, from TMI. Still waiting on people to ask me some damn questions.
1. On a scale of 1-10, how good was your 2009?
Personally, pretty decent. Professionally, ass-bad. Monetarily, probably the same as everyone else. I also am never happy with things, so I'm going to low-ball the number in any case. I'll average out all the factors with my advanced factor-averaging machine (i.e. I will throw out a number essentially from my ass) and say that the year was a 6.5, possibly a 7. Sveta's around, which ups that number, as does Mike's presence. Once they have to go back to their respective things, I'll probably feel less good about the whole thing, but that will be after New Year's, so hey, I'll take the 7 now. I would have to say that the state of the world in general is much lower than a 7, and that averages into my calculations somewhat. Still, right now, I'm feeling charitable. Hindsight is rose-colored.
2. What are your favorite/naughtiest/sexiest/most fun 2009 memories?
Part of the problem I have with year-end reckoning is that I have a very poor sense of what happened in what year. I'm probably forgetting that things happened during this year, or thinking that other things happened this year that actually happened last year, ad nauseum. But many good memories of Sveta, certainly. Her first time with Dad is definitely going to stick in my memory. Her first creampie. All the wonderful moments we've shared, sexually certainly, but also all the fun we've had non-sexually, that I don't talk about as much but is definitely a part of our relationship.
I'll also remember some nice people I've met online, and I'm not just saying that. They know who they are, and if I haven't heard from them in a while, this is an invitation to drop me a line, even if they're in hiding. We've had some fun conversations, and I've read some fun blogs, and even though I don't really deserve it, I'd say that the community has opened its arms to me, in a way.
And I'll remember some interesting sex I've had, and will hopefully continue to have. I won't catalogue it here because I've already spoken about it at length elsewhere, but in terms of naughty memories, I've got quite a few.
3. What’s the one thing you thought you would never do, but did in 2009?
Honestly, I never thought the whole Sveta situation would wind up like it has. It still boggles my mind a little. She's such a great girl and I'm incredibly lucky to know her (I won't say have her, because we have each other and it wouldn't be very classy to say, "we're so lucky to have each other." I think she could do better than me). But I've got to stop being quite so sappy about it. You all know how I feel. So does she. And I don't need to prove it to her on a silly blog.
4. What do you want to change in 2010?
I've got to get steady work. I'm still working gigs. I want to work out how I can see Sveta more often, and for that I need some money coming in regularly. And I want to make it possible for her to have some fun, maybe take her somewhere for a vacation or something, just the two of us, so we could be by ourselves and get to be a couple. I'm not trying to pull her closer; when I say "couple" I mean "couple who picks up other people." Just by ourselves, out from the shadow of my family and hers. I'm not saying I want to elope, I just want her to be able to be comfortable and not pressured by anything.
Other than that, there are things I'd like to change, but I'm not that into New Year's resolutions. If they happen, so much the better. If not, I won't be surprised.
5. What is your all-time favorite gift (whether given or received by you)?
For thoughtfulness, I can't say because it's private. You'll just have to know who you are and know that I love you. In terms of enjoyment, the gangbang my sisters got me for my birthday once has to top my list. I've talked about that elsewhere too.
Bonus (as in optional): On special holidays- like birthdays, anniversaries, ringing in the New Year -are you more inclined to do a sex act that you wouldn't "normally" do? (things like fellatio/cunnilingus, anal sex, strap-ons/toys, videoing yourself/pictures, menage-a-trois/quatres, etc.)
Holidays sometimes make it more probable that I'll wind up at a party, and parties sometimes lead to things which I don't ordinarily do, but mostly because I ordinarily don't have the opportunity. So if holidays lead to things I don't ordinarily do, it's only because they provide the means to do those things. I don't feel any "freer" on a holiday. It's not like, if I'm not at a New Year's party, I feel the impulse to do things I could only do at a New Year's party. It's complicated, and there's no one cause or one effect.
Also, there aren't many things that I will do that I don't want to do. Ordinarily, I don't get the chance to do some things, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't jump at the chance when it comes up. And the holidays are when some of those chances come up, because I'm more likely to allow myself to get dragged to parties, for instance, or the family is all gathered together.
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