Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I've Got To Be Better About This

What with my 400th post coming up and all, and all I do is stupid shit like porn links or answering idiot questions, I must try harder.

The problem is that recently I've had limited computer time for various reasons, and when I get on, all I really want to do is get off, then get off. The connection speed is terrible, and some of my favorite sites are down, and blah blah blah and I wind up finding a likely suspect on a video site and hitting my joy buzzer until I feel reasonably satisfied. Reasonably.

Life is not so wonderful Chez Lexi that I'm feeling particularly satisfied any other way. There's been general ill-feeling all around recently. I blame the season, plus the economy, plus various other things. Plus Sveta hasn't been able to visit at all, damn it. Now I know she's got better things to do, and I support that completely, but I do miss the hell out of her. She knows that too.

I'm still hoping she'll email me or call me all excited and say she's finally gone and gotten herself a boy toy, but as yet, she's having to make do with orgasms in the shower. She bit her lip once, really hard, trying to keep from making too much noise because someone came in to use the toilet while she was in the shower. I said she should have just let it rip and seen where that took her, but both of us know that I was just joking, because chances are good I wouldn't have done it either, and I'm way more likely to do something stupid like that.

I've never been a huge fan of random sex scenes with absolutely no context. For one thing, I have no handle, so I find it hard to care about the characters involved. It's just another sex scene. But at the same time, I'm thinking of trying some more stuff like I wrote last week, just snatches of text, which have context because they'll be about people you already know. Not even complete scenes, just flashes, sensations, that sort of thing. Hopefully it'll keep me from being too clinical about sex, which I occasionally find myself being despite my best efforts. When it comes to writing fiction, I'm fine, but writing about things which are actually happening, that makes me more clinical.

Plus, there's 400 coming up, and I have no fucking idea what to do to top myself. It can't be pictures because I don't have any and won't have any way to take them forever. I can't think of any stories I haven't told that would suit the moment. I can't get people to ask questions or make suggestions. Maybe I'm just talking to the wall.

I suppose I could get someone else to write something. Maybe that's it. Maybe a guest host for 400. Or maybe not. I'll probably waffle about this a lot, and then I'll forget that 400 is the next post and post something stupid or banal, and then I'll feel stupid and banal when I realize. Meh, what are you going to do?

So this is an appeal to all the silent people out there. Feel free to suggest, or ask questions, or just plain say, "Hey!" I really, really don't bite. I'm not looking for ego gratification, I'm just curious. Okay, maybe just a little ego gratification.

It's the slow time of year. Things will pick up eventually. I hope.


CharlesMcCharles said...


Love the blog. Hope you don't give it away. Signed up and made a user name just to comment :-)

Passion said...

Silent people?! You wouldn't say that if you heard me cum..
When I'm stuck for inspiration I go visit other sex blogs, relive some old memories or create some new ones.
There would be a lot like me, who read but don't always comment. I love your page, read it regularly and look forward to more of the same.