Monday, August 30, 2010

Papa Bear

On a personal note, a very dear friend of mine who also happens to read the blog is in the hospital, and if you're the altruistic sort, or if you'd like me to be happy so I keep posting things on the blog, or even just because I hope he'll read this and know I care, please send kind thoughts/good vibes/sexual healing his way.  He's a good guy and he makes me as happy as is possible without the aid of powerful drugs.

I'm sorry, I normally try to steer clear of this kind of thing, but in this case I'm making an exception.  Actually, no, I'm just doing what he deserves.  Less than he deserves.


inherservice said...

He is a very lucky man to have you care so about him; of course I'll send all of those things his way!

And I'll also thank you for being you!

Advizor54 said...

I'm sending out the best of wishes, good luck, great Karma, what ever form it takes, to you and your friend.

Blessings be on his doctors, caregivers, nurses, and friends to give him all he needs to heal quickly.

Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts to you and your friend for his quick healing.


relevent married guy said...

This is so sweet of you. And with all of the positive energy that I conjure, I am thinking my most positive energy for your dear friend. May he recover quicker than soon, and be back to his best self promptly!

Anonymous said...

Papa Bear here, finally home from the hospital. Not entirely out of the woods just yet, but at least I'm home.
Thank you, Lexi, for the selfless support and kindness. You're the best. And thanks to your followers (who are clearly gifted with exceptional taste), for the kind words. Believe me, it helped.