Monday, December 20, 2010

It's an Honor Just To Be Nominated...

I'm not really one for the whole blog awards thing, but since I found out by reading Lola's blog that I had been listed as a Sexiest Blog of 2010 on Inferno's blog. I figured I'd do the honorable thing and link back to them so you can read their stuff.

I have no plans to do an awards list of my own; I'm not a big blog-follower and at a certain point I realized that I couldn't possibly hope to keep up with all the great stuff out there, nor could I hope to link to even a tiny fraction of it, so I gave up. Plus the lifespan of a sexual blog seems to be remarkably short in most cases. I'm constantly amazed that I haven't yet gotten bored and stopped blogging, or been shut down by the Powers That Be.

So yeah, I'm feeling a bit like an ungrateful step-child right now, being honored and not returning the favor. Sorry guys; I think you're all great and everyone whose blog I've ever visited, even once by accident, may come by and pick up their award, the coveted Supreme Visitation Cup:

Supreme Visitation Cup Award

This is coming out as being really bitchy when I'm just trying to have a bit of fun. I appreciate the recognition from Inferno and from anyone else who reads or links or whatever. For your pains, please accept the coveted Supreme Bitchiness Cup:

Supreme Bitchiness Cup Award

That's me: I find a meme and subvert its ass all the way back to the Stone Age. It wouldn't be my blog if I weren't me, would it?

By the way, in case you don't speak Latin or have no historical background (and can't use Google for some reason) In Hoc Signo Vinces means "In this sign you will conquer," which is supposedly what Emperor Constantine saw along with a cross in the sky and decided to convert to Christianity. Of course, he didn't see it in Latin (rather in Greek), but the Latin is the one everyone knows, and Latin inscriptions on loving cup awards are just the way to go. And thus the reference, In Hoc Signo Whatever, means about what you'd expect it to mean. I thought about Sic Semper Whatever, but that means "Thus Always Whatever" which makes a lot of sense now that I think about it, and I probably should have gone with that. But then sic semper whatever, am I right? I win the coveted Supreme Sic Semper Whatever Cup, and I'm sharing it with everyone:

Supreme Sic Semper Whatever Cup Award


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you on making the list, Lexi. Your blog is definitely one of the sexiest things I've ever run across on the net, and you're a terrific writer.
Agis Quod Adis.

- Papa Bear

Advizor54 said...

I've been trying to write something witty and sarcastic and just a bit caustic, but it all just sounds bitter. It's hard to write humor this early in the morning. Just give me one of the bitchy cups and I'll be on my way.

I will agree though, your blog is one of the best. Good work, keep it up, or not, you know, whatever.

Naughty Lexi said...

Yeah, say all those nice things without picturing me naked and I'll believe them ;)

Wow, I must have had an extra helping of bitch-flakes in my cereal this morning. Geez Louise. Sorry, I'm not sure what's come over me.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Lexi!

France said...

Even if you're not into the blog awards, it's still pretty cool. Congrats :)

Naughty Lexi said...

I never said it wasn't cool. I just said I was a bad person for not reading more blogs and not giving out awards. Maybe that it's kinda silly, but not that I hate people for doing it. I've never won anything before.