Friday, July 17, 2009

Too Hot

It is motherfucking hot, and I dislike hot weather, and now our AC is broken. I'm sticky all the time. Fuck!

Sorry, I thought I'd get the bitching out of the way. I've been busy and not much has been happening. Still waiting to hear from jobs I've applied to. Not expecting much. I saw Sveta last weekend, but we don't expect a repeat this weekend because we'll both be busy.

But seriously, even if I could see her, we'd have to find somewhere else to go, because it is hotter than hell in the house. And humid. So very humid. And that's bad because I don't like it, but also for two other reasons:

  1. Heat makes me horny.
  2. Heat makes me dislike fucking.

Really, it's a vicious cycle. I'm so fucking pent up right now, but I don't want to excite myself because I'll just make myself hotter. I haven't fucked since the AC went off the reservation, nor have I played with myself during the day. At night, it gets cool enough that I can at least scratch the itch, but it's still really sticky, and I'm just not up for sticky, sweaty, humid sex.

I can't got to Sveta's house, obviously. I've been thinking about inviting myself to Kate's house on the off chance that it's cooler over there, although it might not be, since she and Roger seem to be hot-weather people. Christ, even with the AC working, it wasn't completely pleasant. I just want to find a cool, dark corner somewhere and an available cock and go to town, maybe with ice cubes involved.

Sorry that this is just more bitching, although I do think it's bizarre that heat makes me horny and robs me of the desire to do anything about it. I got an email from Mike the other day I thought I'd share when I got a chance, so look for that, which I promise will be more entertaining than this has been.


Spnk MeRed said...

being a las vegas resident i completely understand how you feel....horny all the timebut not wanting to get even hotter by fucking itis a constant delema

Naughty Lexi said...

God, thank you, someone else knows what I'm talking about. Sheri likes sticky and sweaty, Mari likes the heat and doesn't sweat much at all, and Sveta doesn't get hornier based on temperature. I was beginning to think I was the only one.