I saw this on Spnk MeRed's blog and had to chime in. Hope she doesn't mind.
You can ONLY answer Yes or No.
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks. -- and believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming nothing is exactly as it seems.Now, here's what you're supposed to do. . . Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, and type in your answers
- Been arrested? No
- Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes
- Slept in until 5 PM? Yes
- Ran a red light? Yes
- Been suspended from school? No
- Experienced love at first sight? No
- Totaled your car in an accident? No
- Been fired from a job? No
- Fired somebody? No
- Sang karaoke? No
- Pointed a gun at someone? No
- Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
- Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
- Kissed in the rain? Yes
- Had a close brush with death (your own)? No
- Seen someone die? No
- Played spin-the-bottle? Yes
- Smoked a cigar? Yes
- Sat on a rooftop? Yes
- Smuggled something into another country? No
- Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes
- Broken a bone? No
- Skipped school? Yes
- Eaten a bug? Yes
- Sleepwalked? No
- Walked a moonlit beach? No
- Rode a motorcycle? No
- Dumped someone? Yes
- Lied to avoid a ticket? No
- Ridden in a helicopter? No
- Shaved your head? No
- Made your boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yes
- Eaten snake? No
- Marched/Protested? Yes
- Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
- Puked on amusement ride? No
- Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? Yes
- Been in a band? Yes
- Been on TV? No
- Shot a gun? Yes
- Skinny-dipped? Yes
- Gave someone stitches? No
- Ridden a surfboard? No
- Drank straight from a liquor bottle? Yes
- Had surgery? No
- Streaked? Yes
- Taken by ambulance to hospital? No
- Passed out when not drinking? Yes
- Peed on a bush? Yes
- Donated Blood? No
- Grabbed electric fence? Yes
- Eaten alligator meat? Yes
- Killed an animal when not hunting? Yes
- Peed your pants in public? Yes
- Snuck into a movie without paying? No
- Written graffiti? Yes
- Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes
- Been in handcuffs? Yes
- Believe in love? Yes
- Sleep on a certain side of the bed? No
At some point, I may go into a few of these answers. In fact, if there's something on the list you'd like to hear me talk about, tell me and I'll break those silly rules (well, they said I could explain if someone asks me to share, so give me an excuse). [Edit: I have linked to posts where I explain various answers, although as you can see there are more to be explained if you ask for them.]
I have other things to talk about, but I'm tired and I wouldn't have even posted this except I saw it and had to share. It's hot again and our AC is not running well at all, so bed seemed too sticky (and not in a good way) at the moment.
1 comment:
i dont mind at all...in fact a friend saw it on a different blog and asked me to fill it out...that is how these things get spread around the web...the first answer that caught my attention was you were never suspended from school?...wouldnt have guessed that...looking forward to hearing some of the explanations
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