Friday, August 27, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday - Resolution

She is worth waiting for. So worth it. I can see her now, feet dangling from the chair, skirt threatening to slip up and expose the delicate skin, hair flung back with abandon as she sings a nursery rhyme with words changed to make it filthy.

Why do I picture her like this? I’ve never seen her like this. She is cold and hard as steel; she would never be seen in such a silly outfit, in such a silly position.

My love is not a summer rose. She may not even be my love, not yet, but she will be.

One hundred twenty-seven days left. When the new year dawns, I will show her how she could be, with me. She is so worth waiting for.

Kudos this week go out to Advizor for stepping in and hosting while PB is busy.  He's a mensch for doing it; if I were a better person, I would have, but I'm definitely not a better person, not in the slightest.

And in case anyone is keeping score, I own those shoes and enough books to make this scene happen, but it's not me, not that anyone was thinking that.


Dioneo said...

Very nice! I like the fantasy-within-fantasy element. And I'd love to hear some of those nursery rhymes! ;)

Max said...

Mmm, yes...I bet she's worth waiting for. Nice take on the pic. Happy FFF!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dioneo. I'd love to hear those rhymes, too. LOL! ;-)

I like his determination. Love the line: "She may not even be my love, not yet, but she will be."

Oh, BTW, I also have the same amount of books and I used to own those shoes, too. But that's not me, either. ;-)


Naughty Lexi said...

@Dioneo: If I actually think any up, I'll post them. I was thinking something along the lines of "Humpty Dumpty sat on a rock. Humpty Dumpty had a huge..." Wait, no, that's just tasteless. ;)

@Max: It's hard to tell whether she's worth waiting for just from the picture, but I think that's why I went with a fantasy of her rather than a reality; she's worth waiting for, but it's still a bit diaphanous.

@Chocolate: It was somewhat inspired by my own longing for my own special someone, but I don't think I'll have to wait quite that long and she's already my love. That you assume that it's a he is interesting. Maybe I let my fictional male voice creep in a bit. I have way more books than are pictured, and I still wear those shoes almost daily. I love my Chucks. Maybe I'm channeling someone's longing for me.

Anonymous said...

So full of hope. Love that!! Happy FFF!

Naughty Lexi said...

@Spring Flower: Glad you enjoyed it. Hope is sometimes all one has, but it's better than nothing. In this case though, I'm not sure it's not certainty, albeit predictive ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad you don't have to wait to long for that special someone. Why I thought it was a "he" as opposed to "she"? I know think it's any fault of yours. I just had "he" on my mind. That's all. ;-) Keep channeling that special someone's longing for you. ;-)


Advizor54 said...

OK, I have to ask, is this a good thing? "He's a mensch for doing it" I hope so.

I like your thoughts on this, the reflections on "is this me?" I like it when the FFF pieces reflect a personal insight into the author. Thanks for playing.

Naughty Lexi said...

Seriously, when is Blogger going to learn from WordPress and give me the ability to reply to comments in a hierarchy. I love you all; don't think I don't just because I reply to several people in the same comment.

@Chocolate: I'm perfectly fine with it being a him; the protagonist is deliberately left vague. It's clearly not me, because I'm not in unrequited love with an ice queen. I was just interested that you got a man out of it; I think sometimes people assume that if one writes in the first person, it must be oneself doing the speaking, which clearly isn't true.

@Advizor: No, thank you for making it possible. And "mensch" is Yiddish (from German, but it doesn't mean quite the same thing). I point you to the definition in Wikipedia if you want to know if it's a compliment or not (it is). One of my favorite compliments, actually, and one which I think applies quite well in this case.

Advizor54 said...

Wow, I'm flattered with such a compliment. Thank you!

What is Yiddish for "super sexy blogger who makes my mouth water"?

Naughty Lexi said...

@Advizor: No idea; I don't speak Yiddish, just a smattering of idioms. A zaftike blognike (a juicily sexually-attractive blogger-girl) is about the best pass at it I can come up with, and that might not exactly be the compliment you intend (for instance, I fabricated 'blognikeh' as the feminine of 'blognik' which would be as close to blogger as I can make up in Yiddish, plus zaftikeh, from whence the English zaftig, implies a certain avoir-du-pois with which I'm not enamored). Actually, it might be like those tattoos that people get with Chinese characters that they think mean "Life" but really mean "Ugly." But unless someone whose Yiddish is better than mine corrects me, I'll take it. Pronounce it "zahf-tick-eh blog-nick-eh" should you ever have call to say it aloud when describing me to the Yiddish police.

And that's what you get when you ask Lexi a question about language.

Advizor54 said...

You crack me up my little zaftike blognike