Saturday, August 1, 2009

Yes/No Explanations

I've had some explanation requests, so here goes with the numbers people wanted to hear about.

1. Been arrested? No
58. Been in handcuffs? Yes

This one is not what you're thinking. I'm not a law-breaker, so no, I've never been arrested. If that makes you think less of me... I don't know what to say. If I had been arrested for something, I'd probably still be in jail or be on some sex-offender list, and this blog wouldn't be a possibility.

I've also never been in handcuffs for bondage purposes. I'm not that into bondage, and it's never happened. I've been in handcuffs for a film I acted in once for a friend of mine. My character wound up spending most of her time in handcuffs. No, it was not sexy. It was funny, but not sexy. Sorry, that one's not that interesting.

12. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes

I do this all the time. Depending on how serious I am about it, I feel more or less guilty about it. But I do things I've sworn not to do. Hell, I swore up and down that I wasn't going to start dating teenagers. I have somewhat poor impulse control when temptation of a certain stripe (read: sexual) comes along.

3. Slept in until 5 PM? Yes

I'm in theatre. 'Nuff said. But I have done it after long nights. Not recently, but I have done it. Recently, it's been all about work when I sleep in that late. Try doing a matinee and then an evening show and then a wild cast party and tell me you don't sleep in a little.

5. Been suspended from school? No

I may not be into school, but I'm usually too much of a pansy to break any serious rules. Mari was an over-achiever, I was good, and Sheri misbehaved enough for all of us. I have been given detention, and once an in-school suspension, but that's not suspension really, that's just longer detention. You could have it happen for being tardy too many times. Not a serious thing, so I don't count it. I guess, technically, I've been suspended, but I don't count it. Again, I'm not a bad girl really, so I understand if some of you don't love me any more because you were hoping I'd be a biker chick. I don't even have any tattoos.

23. Skipped school? Yes

I used to skip school frequently. I got detention for it a few times. Yes, I have skipped school for sex. I've left school early for sex. If you knew how to do it, you could get away with it (leaving or skipping, I mean, not the sex, which you can get away with without knowing how, as is shown by so many people who get away with bad sex). Plus, while my parents didn't want me skipping school, they didn't care that much.

I remember once I was at the doorway of the school and I just realized I didn't want to go in, so I turned around, walked down the street, and spent the rest of the day sitting in the library reading. Yes, I'm that bad-ass. Hardcore. Bent. I skipped school to read a book. A more profitable day of school I seldom had.

41. Skinny-dipped? Yes

All the time. I did it at my friend's wedding, remember? And with my brother at several secluded beaches. I'm practically a nudist; I don't really even care if other people can see, as long as it's allowed.

46. Streaked? Yes

Again, nudist, don't care much, I've done it. The best time was when Gwen and I ran naked across campus for charity. And yes, we did give money to charity. Everyone said if we did it, they'd pony up some money for the local food bank, so we pulled off all our clothes, collected money as we went across campus. It wasn't really streaking, but we did run from building to building. We made some homeless people very happy. I felt good. And it worked us up to the point that we made it back to our rooms and just fucked like mad for hours. Charity should give back to the community.

57. Still love someone you shouldn't? Yes

Well, technically, I'm in love with a lot of people I shouldn't be, for various reasons. But that's not what the question is asking. And sadly, this one is personal and entirely too drama-y, so I'm going to have to leave it that there is in fact one person with whom I was in love, and they treated me really badly and left me, and yet I still love that person. It's not a saintly love, or an all-forgiving love; I haven't forgiven them at all. I haven't spoken to them since they left me. And yes, I'm bitter about it. It's probably part of the reason why I'm not in a relationship that I can really acknowledge. Since, I've been less willing to tie myself to someone. And that's all I've got to say about that.

Keep those questions coming. I've edited the Yes or No page to link to responses, so if you find some answers that still need explaining, send them along. Aside from the more boring ones, I hope to eventually get them all. But you can ask for any of them, even ones which might have nothing to do with sex. I'm okay with telling you a little more about myself.

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