Thursday, September 16, 2010


In keeping with the recent random thoughts and filler, today I thought I'd take up the discussion of semen.  Specifically, my feelings toward it, although I'll accept your feelings toward it as well if you want to tell me about them.  I'm not calling it cum because I want to differentiate between all the other aspects of that word, and while semen is a more clinical term, I'm going with it.

First off, I love semen (I had to stop myself typing "cum" just now).  Without it, many of my favorite things wouldn't be possible (to say nothing of life itself).  I can't understand why people are scared of it, but then I guess people are grossed out by snot too.  But it seems like semen and snot occupy two different categories of gross; if you've got snot on your nose, that's one thing, but semen is another completely.  People who cheerfully hornk snotballs  on public sidewalks would no more cum on a public sidewalk than they would lick that sidewalk to clean it.  I personally think neither of them is particularly good to do.  But blowing your nose and rubbing one out are essentially the same thing to me; one takes longer, but both involve fluids and Kleenex emerging.  Enough about semen and snot; I think semen is way better.

I most enjoy semen inside me.  I am a huge creampie junkie, as readers of this blog are well aware.  There's just something about the feeling of it, when it happens and after, and even if it's such a small feeling that I can't even feel it, I still like the idea.  It's a little about pregnancy and femininity, but I would still like to be creamed by a man who was guaranteed to be completely without sperm in his semen.  For creampies I enjoy thick, gooey semen more than thin, but thin can sometimes be very nice too, particularly when there's a lot of it.  When I get a guy who hasn't cum in ages and his orgasm is both strong and watery, that can be very nice while it's happening.  It's just that after, the semen runs out more easily and the consistency isn't quite the same.  But that's ideally.  In practice, I'll take it whatever it is.

Second to that, I like semen on the lower half of my body, even as far as my breasts.  Semen on me is fun too, but it needs to be cleaned up fairly quickly otherwise it gets kind of ookie.  Obviously, if a guy is going to pull out and cum on me, I love it if there's another gal (or even another guy who's into that kind of thing) around to clean it up after.  But I'll do my own dirty work.  Some people have asked me why I prefer a guy to cum on me than to cum in my mouth, and in truth, it's a close call, and that preference chances.  It's a textural thing for me, I think; I like feeling it on my skin.  Again, thick and gooey is more enjoyable in this case than thin and watery, perhaps even more than with creampies because thin tends to make a mess and is harder to gather up and clean off with my tongue.

I know some guys really get off on pearl necklaces, but I prefer it on my belly or the small of my back if we were doing rear entry before he came.  I don't really have the tits for tit-fucking, so there's another reason I get fewer pearl necklaces.  And, as I reveal later, there are preferential reasons as well.  I'll still let a guy cum wherever he wants, within reason, but if I get asked, I don't go neck first.

In close third is swallowing.  I'm perfectly okay with swallowing, and I don't spit if a guy cums in my mouth (except by accident).  I've honestly never been able to understand why women spit; if you've got it on your tongue already, just swallow it.  If you're not going to let him cum in your mouth at all, that's different, but if you've tasted it, why not just swallow.  Of course, there are times when letting it drool out over your chin can be sexy, but you can then gather it up again and swallow it.  Saves on towels, for one thing.  But it's okay; there are things I won't do that seem perfectly normal to some people.  I just don't understand the reasoning.

I enjoy the taste of semen; it's usually fairly mild.  That's why I don't understand why people have such a problem with it; it's not like eating shit.  There's relatively little taste.  The smell does put some people off, and I admit that, of all things about semen, I like the smell the least.  And since taste is to a large extent just smell, I can see why people wouldn't like the taste.  Still, fresh semen, right from the tap, is usually just fine.

Lastly on the menu, we come to my least favorite (but that's like saying my least favorite gold comes from Peru), facials.  As I discussed a long time ago, I must have very acidic tears because semen doesn't burn my eyes as it does with some people, but still, it's not something I want to do.  I don't like it when it gets in my hair either, or up my nose.  Basically, a facial is just a mouthful of cum that missed to me, and thus I get all the minuses of mouthfuls of cum without the pluses.

When I was younger, I believed (perhaps stupidly) that semen helped my complexion, so I had Mike cum on my face more often than I would have otherwise.  I don't know if it worked; I have fine skin today.  It is an astringent, I believe.  Semen face cream is probably not in the cards however.  Plus, it made my face smell of semen, so it wasn't something I wanted to do if someone was going to be smelling my face (unless that someone wanted my face to smell of semen).

I enjoy rubbing semen into my skin, actually, and I do it sometimes when guys cum on my belly or breasts.  I don't really know why; it's a feeling I enjoy.  Not as much as feeling semen oozing around inside me, but I enjoy it.

The best tasting semen, of course, is eaten out of another girl's snatch.  Ideally, you have four people: two boys, two girls.  The guys cream the girls, who then eat the semen out of each other, and you've had pretty much all I want in basic semen experiences.  

Foreplay is important, but too much blueballing ruins things sometimes.  If you commit to enough foreplay, the semen tends to be nice and thick and strong.  If you tease too long, in my experience it makes things get thin, and while it may still be strong, sometimes I'd rather have a slightly smaller output with more body.  Dad cums once a day, usually, and he can go for a long time without cumming, but his semen output is magnificent.  Mike's is smaller, but he can continue putting it out over and over again.  I'm not sure which I like more; maybe neither because I don't want to have to choose.

I think the biggest load I ever had literally filled me up and squirted out the sides.  It may have been partially me too; I do get juicy at times.  But still, this was prodigious.  I didn't measure, but it might have been in the multiple tablespoon range.  And it was tenacious; I had cummy panties for the next day, even after showering and straining to get it all out again.  I could feel it oozing around.  Really a great time, and I wish I could duplicate it.  Actually, Sheri says I should try this lube she's got which she claims feels exactly like cum, except you can fill up a turkey baster with it and inject yourself with as much as you want.  That sounds like cheating to me.  Most times, a single orgasm's output from a guy is enough to make me feel pleasantly gooey.  If I get fucked with a cummy pussy, a lot of the semen comes out during, what with muscles tensing and penetration and so on, but it can build up over time.  Mike has come back multiple times to fill me again and again and it's felt like more each time.

That's about all I've got to say on the subject, mostly because I want to go back to saying "cum."  If you've got any responses, I'm happy to host a discussion on the topic, or if you'd like to suggest another for me to talk about, that's okay too.  Soon enough I hope to have some actual things to talk about, but until then, I'm just spitballing.


inherservice said...

The one things that holds true through the years is that I've always liked the taste of others cum more than my own...

That said, my own tastes better in creampie form; no matter where it is!

The thickest I've ever seen mine involved ice cubes from an old fridge that made round ones. 3 of them "inserted" made it thick almost like also felt like it might be "blowing a gasket" out of something when it escaped!

The Panserbjørne said...

I don't pretend to think my own cum is a godlike fluid, not to be wasted or squandered, but on the other hand it's more than slightly offputting when I come inside my girlfriend and she gets up almost immediately for a washcloth, then stands around for a few minutes until she's gotten it all clear. I mean, for chrissake, if you dislike it that much, why are we even having sex? Naturally, she wouldn't hear of me coming ON her instead of in her, either.

Offputting. I have to say I do enjoy watching porn with prodigious cumshots, too. Maybe it goes back to my desire to come all over somebody since I haven't gotten to do it yet.

(Sad, really, given that there are those of you out there who do love it).

-- PB

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you like cum, I like to cum in a girls mouth and kiss her after. I have always wanted to eat it out of her, but my wife is not keen on the idea (I am actually afraid to ask) and escorts have rules about doing that sort of thing...mainly, it's not allowed.

I like pulling out and putting it in, just depends on my mood.

For years my cum was treated like a toxic spill. It made me very self conscious, I still catch myself apologizing after's annoying and upsetting.

Advizor54 said...

I've never seen an analysis quiet as extensive as this and it's interesting. your comfort level with it, your ability to discuss it, your openness is all enticing.

I've noticed the connection between foreplay, viscosity, and volume.

It's fascinating that that it changes so much.

Unknown said...

Nonsense, all of it. I demand proof of these opinions of yours, which can come in two ways:

1) Photo evidence


2) A private interview


Spnk MeRed said...

So while not a fan of the taste the main reason i dont enjoy swallowing is semen literally gives me heartburn...weird huh?

Anonymous said...

love this post.


Naughty Lexi said...

I had no idea a simple stream of consciousness about cum would generate so much buzz.

@Advizor: It's a delicate balance. You can wind a guy up a certain amount without decreasing the consistency, but that varies from guy to guy and even time to time. Anal play, for me, always makes a guy's cum thinner. I don't know if that's always true, because I have more limited experience with that.

@Soren: The term of art, dear, is "pix or it didn't happen." ;)

@Spnk MeRed: Odd. I guess the basic (as opposed to acidic) nature of semen must throw off your biochemistry somehow. If I were you, I'd be getting creampies every time then, but that's just me. I don't hold it against people who don't like the taste though; the smell is a bit off-putting sometimes, in particular.

@CP: I must restate my amazement that everyone love this so much. Seriously, I was just rambling. Glad you enjoyed it though.