Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Theft on a Grand Scale

So Kara and Jess posted another one of these silly Q/A things, and because I'm a sucker for them even when all I do is make fun of them and answer questions with more questions, and because it gives me something to post, I decided to steal it.  Since they stole it from Sunday Stealing, which in turn stole it from high schoolers, I couldn't resist.  I mean, how often do I get to appropriate memes from high schoolers?  It's long, since I cut out the middle man and grabbed the whole thing from the high school blog which means the questions are silly and juvenile.  I don't do this often.  Deal with it.

This is going to be majorly personal, you ready?
The original answer was, "Maybe," which is hard to top.
Promise to take this without deleting any questions?
Okay, okay, enough, I give, don't twist my arm.
Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
About the same, I'd say.  Hard to judge.  It's not like I've suddenly become blissfully happy recently, or that I was blissfully happy before and have slid into depression since.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone?
Who answers no to this question?
Can you sleep in total darkness?
I can sleep in total darkness, I just can't fall asleep in total darkness most times because I need to occupy my brain until it falls asleep otherwise I can't get to sleep.  I fool my brain into passing out.  Healthy.
Your phone is ringing. It's the person you fell hardest for, what do you say?
I'm not sure I could identify the person I fell hardest for.  If we're talking unrequited, I doubt I'd be any better over the phone than I was in real life.  If we're talking I was thrown over, I might just hang up because there are a precious few people who would qualify for that spot and I don't want to talk to them on the phone, and probably not in person.  If we're talking fell for and then wound up with and we just drifted apart... I'm not sure.  "Are you around?  Wanna get together?"  If we're talking feel for and still with, "When will I see you?"
What do you think about the weather?
And I never never never do a thing about the weather for the weather never never does a thing for me.
Are you ticklish?
In certain parts of me. I used to be more so, but I've heard one grows out of it, and I definitely did. I'm much less ticklish than I was as a kid, although I still qualify.
How many people do you trust with everything?
Zip, zilch, nada. Everyone gets a different version. I'm not saying I lie, just that no one person knows it all. Probably a bad thing, but that's the way it's going to stay, at least until I become saintly and virtuous.
What was the last thing you drank?
As of this writing, a Goya Ginger Beer. So spicy and delicious. My sole and only concession to soft drinks of any kind.
Is there anyone you want to come see you?
Right now, I'd take Sveta, Sheri, Mike (he's here but not in the room), Mari, Kate... basically, I'd be fine if someone came to visit me.
Name one thing you love about winter?
Snow as it falls on a cold night, when everything is silent and I don't have to go anywhere and nothing is melting or dirty and I can be inside and look out at it, or put on my boots and go walking. I like snow like that. After it's fallen and one has to shovel it and look at it slowly going gray, I'm less of a fan.
Have you ever dated a Goth?
Not one that would count.
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow?
No more than any other day.
Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
One thing? Okay, I have a telephone call I'm really not looking forward to having to make.
Can you commit to one person and one person only?
No. I don't even view that as a bad thing. I could marry someone, but I'd still love other people, just not in the same way. I don't think love should be hoarded.
What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
Swore, possibly said something about how much I hate my life. I don't like waking up.
Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
In those words, I don't think so. It sounds a bit too romantic comedy for me, honestly. I know people who feel that way, and they may have said as much, but it wasn't in terribly stilted dialogue like that. If anyone reading this has said this to me and thinks I'm slighting them, I'm not; I know you don't want to lose me and I choose to know it without a silly cliché.
Have you ever kissed the last person you sent a text message to?
High school. So high school. I have no way to send text messages, so no.
Is there anybody that you wish you could fix things with?
There are relationships I wish were better, sure. Some my fault, some not. It's definitely not a 50/50 split in that department; I manage to fuck up relationships easily enough.
Could you go out in public, looking like you do now?
Yeah, if I wanted to be arrested for indecent exposure and corrupting minors. I think some people might get a kick out of it though.
Do you think things will change in the next 3 months?
Hope springs eternal, but probably not much. I have a fair idea of what my next three months are going to be like, and it's same-old-same-old the way I see it.
You never know what you have until you lose it, true or false?
False. You may not appreciate some things until you don't have them, but not everything. It would be better if people showed their appreciation while they still had things to appreciate, but that doesn't mean they don't know, just that they don't show it.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Lord yes. Plenty of them. I'm not scared to talk with boys. That some of my friends of the opposite sex that I can talk to are also lovers isn't mutually exclusive in my book at all.
Life without your best friend, how’d that go?
I'd be very sad and I'd miss them terribly. I'm not sure I wouldn't be able to find another best friend, but I wouldn't be able to replace them.
What do you miss the most about your past?
Chances I didn't take, opportunities that I didn't allow, people I no longer see. I don't want the past back, I just sometimes wish I'd made a better past of it so my present could be a bit better. Also, I'd like to have my teenage body back, at least parts of it.
Ever get hurt by someone who promised they wouldn't?
Yes. But I tend not to believe people who tell me that they'll never hurt me. Don't tell me. Just don't hurt me. People tend to say, "I'll never hurt you," to reassure you while they do something to hurt you. Cynical much?
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Decent, not stellar. It depends on how strong the feelings and from whom I'm hiding them. Some people can ferret out my feelings in no time.
Are you listening to music right now?
Only in my head.
When was the last time you were in a very good mood?
I don't know that I know what a very good mood is like, really. I'm not saying gloom and despair are my life, just that I'm not totally sure how to qualify my moods. I can say I'm in a better mood than usual, but how good that is might be subject to debate.
Would you hook up with your sister's best friend?
And how. But she's given me permission.
Where is the person who has your heart at the moment?
I can't pick just one person.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
A better question would be if I ever do anything I tell myself I will do. I guess yes to both.
Have you laughed today?
What made you laugh really hard today?
Really hard, maybe nothing. I haven't gone into gales of laughter today.
Do you trust easily?
Fairly easily, actually, although never completely.
Are you one of those people who just doesn’t care?
I wish, sometimes. It might make certain things easier.
Would you rather not eat or not sleep?
Tough call. I don't get that much out of sleep, but without it I become a total and complete vegetable. An angry, bitchy vegetable. Without food, I get bitchy too, but I think I might be able to go without it longer. Of course, if I'm hungry, I have a hard time sleeping, and if I don't sleep, I tend not to eat either. If this is a permanent thing, I couldn't say. If I merely was making a symbolic gesture, I'd go without eating.
What do you normally drink in the morning?
Usually milk, sometimes OJ.
Can you walk into a room full of strangers and maintain your confidence?
What confidence?
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
No. Not at all.
Do you believe that all boys are the same?
No. What an odd question? Why would you ask that?
You are single, why?
You assume a lot for a quiz, don't you?
Did you drink any alcohol this week? Did you get drunk?
Starting the week on Monday (or Sunday, really), no. In the past seven days, yes, I had a few drinks, but no, I was never drunk. Not really even close.
Do you like to cuddle?
Yes, very much, with the right people.
Would you ever try being a vegetarian?
I have tried it. It's easier when there's less temptation. But I like meat, steak in particular, so it was kind of hard. I didn't do it for any reason other than to do it, and I might do it again for health or fitness reasons. But I'd have to be an occasional steak eater. And I hate ordering vegetarian food at restaurants, so I'd probably be a mostly-vegetarian. Vegan, no thank you.
Do you believe that there's always room in your heart for someone?
Just one someone? Absolutely. More than enough room in my heart for lots of people.
Have you ever had stitches?
Yes. I had an on-the-job, fully-covered-by-Workman's-Comp accident, for which I received quite a few stitches. All my other brushes with medicine have been surprisingly stitch-free, although that's about all the good I can say for them.
How come you're not going out with the person you like/love?
You mean right this instant? Because I'm taking a stupid online blog quiz. If you mean why am I not dating them, I am. Fuck you.
Are you busy tomorrow?
What, you think that you can ask me why I'm not going out with anyone and then try to pick me up yourself? What kind of sleazy blog quiz are you? I told you, I'm going out with the person I love. And I'm busy tomorrow.
Are you wearing pants?
You come on like a freight train, don't ya? First asking me out, then moving into the sleazy stuff. Pretty soon I expect you'll be slobbering. As it happens, no, I'm not. Remember all the indecent exposure stuff?
Do you think someone is thinking about you?
I hope so.
Are you short?
If I were, it would make clothes-shopping a lot easier.
If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
I don't remember entering the lottery...
Is your phone right beside you?
Don't have a phone.
Do you know anyone that is gay?
Even leaving out my family, I'm in the theatre honey. Who do I know that's not? Gay or married. Sigh.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
Probably someone at the theater. I still take "smoke breaks" even though I gave it up.
Is it cute when guys/girl kiss you on your forehead?
Once I tried to do that and wound up bumping my teeth into the forehead in question. Other than that, I guess it is, if you can reach my forehead.
How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?
Depends on your comfort level. If I'm in the bed, I don't want anyone else there, deep down in my bitter black core. But I'm comfortable enough with one other person. It's a decent-sized bed as befits my use of it. Two I could even stand. Three is too many. This is based on empirical evidence.
The very first time you kissed your current bf/gf, who made it happen?
Fate? Kismet? No, probably me.
What was the last video you watched on YouTube?
Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone?
I'd probably be the one asking them.
Is there something that you could never give up?
All sorts of things. Maybe for a brief period I could give up almost anything, but there are many things I could never totally give up.
Would you prefer a small, intimate wedding proposal, or a big-scale, over-the-top proposal?
Small please. That goes for the wedding too.
What's bothering you right now?
Many things. I won't bore everyone with bitching. Most immediately, this phone call I have to make.
Do you hate anyone?
The original poster wrote "incapable of" here. He/she was really a ray of glum, taciturn sunshine; I invite you to venture over there and read the answers and giggle. Poor, poor teenagers. Yes, there are people I hate. I shouldn't, and it may not be unreserved or implacable hatred, but I do.
What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Trying to sleep, I think. Possibly preparing to sleep. I've been up early recently.
Do you drink more apple or orange juice?
I hate apple juice. I'll drink cider (hard or non) but apple juice is nasty. OJ all the way, baby.
Was this summer a good one?
Not horrible. Could have rained more.
You kissed someone today, didn't you?
I did indeed.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Less work, if I can swing it.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
Nope. The kiss went quite well, and segued nicely into other stuff.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
Absolutely. But again, I'm a believer in friendship being perfectly acceptable in the context of sex, and vice versa. I think friends should have feelings for one another, just not necessarily romantic feelings.
If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad?
No, but I suppose that's my somewhat unique situation.
Does the person you like, like you back?
Just one? Sure.
Do you think long distance relationships work?
They're tough. I'm not worried, but they're still hard, if not in the way that many people mean. I miss Sveta terribly, and while that doesn't make me want to leave her or worry that she's going to leave me, it's hard for us to be far apart.
Do you believe in kissing when you're not together yet?
Define "together." Together as in copulating, or together as in romance? Or "together" as in "Do you believe in kissing someone who isn't in your location yet?" Kissing is never bad.

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