Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random Fluff

I was walking down the street today and wound up walking behind a young woman pushing a stroller with a baby in it.  I don't know if the baby was her child; there are certainly precedents for believing that a woman this young (and this good-looking, but more on that later) could have been a mother.  Or possibly a very much older sister, or a nanny, or aunt, or cousin, or something.  Hell, I don't know, maybe this woman had stolen this baby and was now on the lam.  She didn't exactly seem like she was hiding, but whatever.

She was very attractive, wearing this sun-dress (yes, it's still that hot around here) which showed off every curve.  Ordinarily I might have passed her in a hurry or maybe come around to indulge my maternal instinct in some baby-cooing (yeah, I do that sometimes) but I was having so much fun walking behind her because she was just fun to ogle from behind.  I felt a little creepy about it and I didn't stare blatantly, but I could see the straps of her bra through the fabric, and her ass was just juicy as Hell, and her legs... yeah, I wasn't drooling, but I was taking a little vacation.

Oddly enough, though I could tell she was wearing a bra, there didn't seem to be a pantie line in evidence, although it was slightly harder to tell that because the bell of the dress flared out and mislead the eye.  Still, I was wondering about it.  She didn't have enormous breasts or anything, and I couldn't see a reason to wear a bra but no panties unless there were some sexy options involved.  The fantasies were playing out in my mind involving the need to have easy access to the basement.

And then she reached around without paying attention to anyone around her and adjusted herself from behind.  I believe the crass vulgarity is "picking a wedgie" but this was just stellar.  I mean, I about dropped my bag and ran over to offer to help her remove her panties right there, just be on the safe side.  It was voyeuristic in the extreme, and I'm not saying I'm particularly proud of having gaped in awe, but wow, it just wound me up unmercifully.  I've been very horny the past few days (hornier than usual, I mean) as if to make up for the drought of last week.

She wasn't paying any attention to me, and I doubt anyone else was paying much attention to her.  It was just a very intimate moment, made more so a few seconds later when she, seemingly absently, actually lifted the hem of her dress and reached under to pull her panties into a more comfortable position (it was a kind of short skirt, but not so short that this was something one might do accidentally).  I saw everything.  And her ass was just as gorgeous bare as under the dress, more so even.  The movement of the dress let me see the taut globes of her cheeks, lightly tanned, not looking like she'd ever had a baby (but maybe she's just really fit).  And then she pulled the panties away and I got a glimpse of the space between her legs, not the main event but just that space where two very shapely legs meet that I find really attractive in a woman.

Then down came the dress again, out came the hand, and she kept on pushing up the street, as I had to finally turn a corner and lost sight of them.  Needless to say, I was insanely turned on.  I almost scrubbed my obligations and went home in an attempt to get some.  Actually, I almost scrubbed my obligations and kept following the woman, like a hobo follows the scent of a pie, until she finally caught on and called the police.  But I did neither of those things.  I may be a terrible perv, but I'm a somewhat realistic terrible perv.

So, on the offhand chance that you're a woman with a baby who was followed earlier today by a slavering redhead who ogled you as you exposed yourself (and thank you very much for the show; it made my day) please contact me so I can apologize for my perviness but offer a proper thanks in exchange.  It doesn't have to be sexual, but you'd like it if you decided to let me go that way.

Okay, yes, I'm kidding.  It was just one of those random experiences that were sexy enough to talk about while simultaneously making me guilty.  Catholic school, remember?

It does a raise a point in my mind though.  If I had been her, I think I would have wanted someone who thought my ass was hot to come up and nicely say so.  I wish that compliments didn't always have to be creepy.  I would have felt much better if I could have gone up to her and said, "Excuse me ma'am, but I just thought you should know that you're beautiful."  Nothing creepy about that.  Not me saying, "Excuse me, but I'd like to fuck you in the worst way.  I'd like to jam my tongue into your tight little babymaker and taste where that one in the stroller came from."  That would be in poor taste.  But I wish more people were comfortable enough with the idea that a perfect stranger could just say, "Hey, you're looking good today," and leave it at that.  Obviously, it my perfect fantasy world, one wouldn't have to be uncomfortable not leaving it at that, but rather saying, "Hey, you're sexy, wanna take an extra-long lunch and get busy?"  "No," would of course by a viable answer, but you wouldn't hold it against someone if they asked, or if they said no.

I'm lucky because I'm a woman who likes to ogle women.  I get called on it much less, and if I do, unless I was really obvious about it, I can usually explain it away as sisterly interest in fashion or wondering what gym she goes to or something like that (of course, they don't know what "sisterly interest" means to me, but we'll leave that).  Poor guys are constantly bombarded by attractive women at whom they're not allowed to stare.

I've said it before, but unless someone is a total creep, I don't mind it when people stare desirously at me.  It makes me feel good.  It's not the only thing, but I take it as a compliment.  And while I don't necessarily approve of it when I'm trying to talk to you and you're staring at my chest instead of my face, sometimes even that can be flattering.  I'm not flaunting myself; far from it, I tend to wear clothing which isn't designed to induce staring.  But sometimes people still stare, and I'm okay with that.  And I wish everyone else was okay with it too, men and women, because then we could drop the pretense that attraction isn't happening.  We could start complimenting one another without worrying about being creepy.  We'd all feel better about ourselves, because let's face it, everyone is attractive to someone.  And we'd maybe be a little less serious about all of it.  I know I sometimes come off as being kind of shallow, but there are a lot of beautiful people in the world, many more than are conventionally beautiful, and it would be nice if I could let everyone out there know that they're not ugly, really.

That's probably why I feel guilty: not because I'm ogling this woman, but because I don't have the ovaries of steel to simply own up to it and say, "You're an attractive woman, you know that?  You should feel good about yourself," and walk on without propositioning her.  Instead, I skulk.  Ah well.  It's an inability to be open on my part, but in this case I don't think it would have ended well had I said anything.

The preceding is random thoughts and should not be construed to have any meaning beyond what I was thinking at the time.  I will doubtless contradict myself in future.  It's what I do.


inherservice said...

I'd have done the same thing and been trying very hard not to get caught, since as you point out you have that built in advantage...

The hardest part is usually not tripping over my tongue!

Which leads to all sorts of complications when I do screw my courage up enough to say something...

Anonymous said...

I told a girl I like that she has the tightest pussy I have ever felt, and that it gets tighter when she cums.

She told me that it was the most romantic thing she has ever heard, because she KNEW it was true, not some bullshit, "I like your ass." It was specific and true.

Not something you can tell a stranger but your random thoughts reminded me of it.

Naughty Lexi said...

@inherservice: I recommend dark glasses and a mop bucket to wring your tongue out in before you start in on conversation ;) But despite my having a definite advantage in the being able to look department, at least in my part of the world, I'm at a disadvantage in the picking up women department. Sadly, the pornos are wrong; all women are most assuredly not bi, some not even close. It's okay; I wouldn't have it any other way.

@Kenny: I don't know about "romantic" but "flattering," Hell yes. If someone told me that, I might suspect that they were lying but even if they were, it's still flattering. Specific and true are always better than generic and lying. But I'll even take more generic if it's sincere. "I like your ass," if said in a heartfelt way is nice to hear too.

Unknown said...

"Hello, you don't know me, and we've never met, but you have an incredible ass and a very shapely figure. Would you like to dash into that coffee shop's restroom facility to ravish each other? Perhaps a heavy make out session?"

"Ah, I do apologize, but I have obligations I must attended to. Surely you understand?"

"But of course. I must admit that I, too, have such obligations."

"However, thank you for the compliment. It has increased my self esteem and has made me feel very desirable."

"My pleasure, surely. Have an enjoyable day."

"The same to you, sir."


Naughty Lexi said...

@Soren: Why can't that happen? Why? Although in her case, I think the response might have been more along the lines of, "I'm terribly sorry, but I have this baby to attend to and I wouldn't feel comfortable shirking my responsibilities even for the promise of fantastic sex." To which I might have replied, "Ah, then perhaps you'd care to repair to my domicile where a safe place could be found to let the baby sleep so that our business could conclude in a satisfactorily osculatory fashion." It's a wonderful dream, isn't it?

Advizor54 said...

I love the responses already made, and I have to agree with your post 100%. We have defined all compliments as come-ons, every nice thought is the start of an assault, and it makes friendly interaction almost impossible.

The movie "Tootsie" (I know that makes me sound old)addressed this when Jessica Lange said she wanted someone to make a simple, sincere, sexual approach, but when Dustin Hoffman tried it, he got slapped in the face.

I'd like to be able to share a simple compliment, as a guy, without being accused of evil intentions. Thanks for this post, it was wonderful.

Naughty Lexi said...

@Advizor: Why would Tootsie make you sound old? I mean, it's not my favorite movie, but does referencing it really make one old? Ah well, I guess we can both be old together then.

I often want to go up to total strangers who look like they're having a hard day and say, "Hey, I just wanted you to know that I love your hairstyle." Something like that, something not even threateningly sexual. Just, "You're a beautiful person too." Fellow human feeling. But they'd just stare at me, or run. It's a symptom of a larger breakdown in social communication that's going on; the social websites haven't helped at all either, because we still don't have the balls to be public about anything. And we can't be honest about our feelings. I would love it if I could live in a world where it was okay to ask someone if they wanted to have sex, randomly, but just as okay to respond in the negative. And the asker wouldn't have any expectation, just basically saying, "Hey, you're a good looking person and I'm attracted to you; if you feel like having sex, okay; if not, I hope the compliment makes you feel better about yourself and have a nice day."

We seem to have this idea that societies come as package deals, and if you're "civilized" you can't do various things. Never mind that it would be great to take the best of various societies. Sociologists would probably argue that cultural syncretism doesn't work, and they may be right, but wouldn't it be nice if they were wrong?