Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Doing This Because I Was Asked

We all know I love answering questions, and while I prefer to answer the sexy kind, I'm perfectly okay with answering the somewhat less sexy kind.  Who knows, maybe I can twist a few of these into sexy.

Ron was nice enough to comment and ask me these five questions:

1. How many TVs do you have in your home?

We have two, but not really.  The main TV is old as dirt and the other TV is tiny and black and white.  I think they probably add up to about 1/3 of a modern TV, and since we only get broadcast TV (and a very narrow band of that) we barely have TV at all.  I know, I'm living in the Stone Age.  Except I don't want a better TV and I definitely don't want the temptation of cable.  I waste enough time as it is.

2. What is in your bedside table (nightstand)?

I don't have a nightstand.  I'd love to say that I have this wonderful little room, all clean and girly and filled with objet-d'art and such, but it would be a total lie.  I'm cluttered.  Beside my bed, I tend to have a bunch of books (with more in the bookcases close by, but I keep the ones I'm working on or want to work on right there), a box of Kleenex (not for the sexy reason, but because I suffer from terrible sinuses), and often some lube and perhaps a toy or two.  Yes, I'm one of those gals who leave sex stuff lying around my room.  This surprises you?  Hell, my family has lube in every room of the house.  Common sense.

3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

1 pair of all-purpose sneakers.  1 pair of work boots.  1 pair of slopping around shoes to slip on when I don't feel like dealing with bare feet.  3 pairs of dressy shoes that go with pretty much anything I care to wear.  And then I have the frivolous shoes that are basically costume, the ridiculous ones that I never wear.  I hated shopping for them, and I keep them somewhere out of the way because I don't want to deal with them, but occasionally the moment calls for heels in gold and I have the shoe bin to draw upon.  Not all of them are even mine; I'm fortunate in that I have two sisters and a mother who wear shoes I can sometimes fit into as well.  So I'm counting 6 pairs of actual shoes.  I am not a shoe girl.  No offense to those who are, but I'm definitely more of a panties girl.  Those, I own way too many of and actually enjoy shopping for.

4. Can you change a flat tire?

Debatable.  It would depend on a number of factors.  If I'm in a well-lit place, free of crime, dry, wearing appropriate attire, and I happen to have all the supplies needed, I think I could make a stab at it.  I definitely know how, and I've done it once or twice.  But in a bad neighborhood in the dark in the rain wearing a miniskirt, hell no.  I've never had the perfect storm in that way, but I've certainly had enough of those factors to say, "Nope, my pride is sufficient that I can get someone else to change this tire."  I'm not a car person.  I get the mechanic to do things I know I could probably do myself, but I don't want to fuck about with cars.  Give me a carpentry project and I'll do it.  Ask me to fix your car and I'll stare blankly.

5. Do you prefer sweet treats or salty treats?

"Treats" implies sweet to me.  But I don't always go for sweet.  Often, I want salty.  Sometimes I want both (ah, honey roasting, my old nemesis).  I couldn't say; I love chocolate, but I don't like sickly sweet things.  And sometimes I want something sweet.  If it's what I want, I'll take it.  Bring me exactly what I want!

Thanks Ron.  I always take questions via comment, even if the comment is off-topic to the post you post it on.  Of course, you can email me as well at lexinaughtygirly[AT] (I trust you humans can figure out how to convert that into an email address).  But I don't mind comments one bit.  Helps me fool myself into thinking someone actually reads this drivel.


Anonymous said...

Cool questions; cool answers.


Naughty Lexi said...

Feel free to steal them. The answers, I mean; they work for all kinds of situations ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL! THANKS, I need that laugh. You're too funny. ;-)