Anyway, I was a little light-headed and wobbly, also cold, but we made it into the house. Aunt Jenny has a nice place; her husband was fairly wealthy and she didn't do too badly either. She used to be a teacher but then she had to quit because of her various medical issues, so she started doing consulting for educational firms and made way more money that way, which is sort of depressing when you think about it. But still, she and my uncle did pretty well, so they have a nice house, and unlike my family which is very cluttered and has four kids, she cleans regularly.
I said that she was like my family, and actually my late uncle was like my family too. My parents and my aunt and uncle swapped partners a few times, but I don't think that Uncle Brian was totally comfortable with kids, which is probably why they never had any. They used to have us over when I was younger and the adults would all go upstairs to do their thing and leave the kids to do ours. Aunt Jenny was much more interested in experimenting than her husband, and sometimes she would visit us while he was still alive. She didn't have a lot of practice with other women, but she loved to join in with the kids and pick up pointers.
Then a few years ago Uncle Brian died of cancer. He was older than her by probably ten years or more but it was still pretty sudden. It hit her hard and we were afraid she wouldn't make it, but we've been trying to spend more time with her to keep her spirits up. It worries my dad that she's all alone in her house, and he goes to visit her by himself sometimes. I'm pretty sure Uncle Sam comes to visit her too, when he can, although he's much farther away.
Aunt Jenny's very skinny, skinniest woman in the family, because of her health, but she's always been petite. She's the shortest too, which is funny because her brothers are both very tall. But then again my brother is short. I don't understand genes. She went gray at an early age, and I don't remember her ever being another color, but I think she was a redhead when she was younger. Gray suits her though, very elegant, kind of like that character from The Incredibles.

Her head isn't that big, but the hair is just as classy. She's a little bit of an aging hippy, so she wears loose flowing dresses and has her hair long, but she shaves or waxes her entire body because all the men in her life prefer smooth skin. She's not devious like Mirage, and she's got a higher voice, but picture a nicer, hippier version of Mirage and you'll have a fair idea.
Anyway, she must have been watching us from inside because when she came in she scolded my father about the neighbors and keeping his daughter out in the cold. He just smiled and let his cock wave back and forth, and she grinned and knelt down to clean him off. I think she was really just scolding him for not saving up for her.
Aunt Jenny was already naked in anticipation of her family arriving, and she looked a little thin. I think she's been having real problems, but of course she won't admit it. Still, she's got life in her, which she proved by switching from Dad to me, hiking up my skirt and sucking his cream out of my pussy before it could drip on the floor. Like I said, clean. It was nice to have a woman, even an inexperienced woman, tonguing my slit and I stood there and enjoyed it for a minute, then when she was done I joined the rest of my family in the nude. She knows I like cum, so she saved up some in her mouth and kissed me and let me taste it too.
Then we waited around for a few minutes while she bustled around in the kitchen. Mom and I tried to help but she shooed us away. She really doesn't want to admit she's having problems, and for now we let her. Dinner was good, if you like Thanksgiving food which I do not. I'm more interested in ethnic food, and Thanksgiving is so white-bread. But Aunt Jenny cooks it well, so I enjoyed it anyway.
If you've never eaten at a table naked, you should try it, because it's interesting. If you drop food in your lap it's a strange feeling, and spilling on yourself takes on a new meaning. And if you've got someone else who is willing to help you clean up spills, well then that's interesting too. I think my Dad spilled gravy on his chest on purpose, and I know the mashed potatoes I dropped in my lap were intentional. Mike grinned when I asked him to help me out. He likes mashed potatoes, and they're better with a little of my gravy.
Other than that though, dinner was normal. After dinner we retired to the living room for coffee and desert, but no one was ready for more food just yet. In fact, no one was ready for much of anything except my mom, who's a light eater. We all sat and talked for a while, then Mom knelt down in front of my father and started giving him a bj. We're so used to that that we just kept talking like it was perfectly normal, but eventually Dad stopped Mom and asked his sister if she was ready for some desert. She laughed and got on her knees on the carpet in front of him. My aunt has great carpet too, which she says is stain resistant (which is good because it must get pretty stained when we come over) but also is soft and doesn't give rug burns (also nice). She leaned over the ottoman and waggled her skinny butt in the air, and Dad got down behind her and slowly eased into her cunt.
What's great about this family is that we kept talking, Aunt Jenny a little breathlessly. We caught up, talked about politics, art, that kind of thing, all while we watched Dad and his sister slowly, passionately make love in front of us. Mike's cock was rock hard and he stroked it absently every so often, but he wouldn't let me touch it. Finally I had to ask him what was going on.
He said he was saving it up for me, that he had been blueballing himself for a few days in preparation. He used to do that when we were younger, jack off until he almost came, then let it subside, then do it again until he built up a huge load, then find me and fill me with it. I guess he was remembering how nice that was. I remembered too and kissed him and told him that I loved him but that I couldn't stand the suspense.
Dad told him that the sooner he got through with me the sooner his mother and aunt could have some fun with him, which was only fair. All this while plowing my aunt, who was no longer talking, just cumming silently, her breathing fast and loud but no moans or screams. She's always been quiet. I guess her little body doesn't have anything in it for loud orgasms, but Dad says she cums hard. She certainly seems to.
Mike made a show of having to be convinced, like he wasn't really interested, but when I lay back beside Aunt Jenny and spread my legs, he was between then like a shot. I was plenty lubed up from all the excitement, and he was raring to go, so he gently but firmly slipped it into me. It was fantastic finally having my brother inside me after so long. It really is more than just physical; we have a spiritual bond or something. His cock feels totally different than any other guy's.
He started slow, working into me, bottoming out and then pumping in further, his stomach pressed against the cradle of my hips, his thighs between mine. I wrapped my legs around his back and he just kept pressing, deeper and deeper, like he wanted to shove his whole body into my cunt. And we were chest to chest and kissing, our eyes locked, just loving every minute.
I didn't cum, just gradually built up, until he got a frantic look in his eyes and started moving faster, like he couldn't hold back. I think he was disappointed that he hadn't made me cum, but when he finally thrust home and began to spunk, the force of it made me cum. It was amazing, not like when my dad filled me (which was also good but this was amazing because it had been so long). I felt like I was a balloon filling with water. The spurts and spasms inside me were extreme, more than enough to drive me over the edge. It felt like he had cum a bucket when he finally stopped and sighed and pulled out. I love my brother, he makes me feel so great.
Aunt Jenny and Dad were still at it, a little harder now but just as beautiful. There are few things more beautiful than loving sex, I truly believe that. And this was really loving sex. She asked if she could clean up, so my brother went over and stood beside her and she cleaned him off, then she said, "Lexi?"
It was hard for me to move from where I was, and there was cum all over my pussy, my stomach, my inner thighs. The cum just spurted out all over the place. I couldn't get up without leaking the rest of it, so Aunt Jenny and my dad gingerly made their way from the ottoman to the floor in front of me, and then Dad started rutting again from behind while Aunt Jenny haltingly cleaned me up too. The feeling of her tongue on my flesh built me up before she even made it to my pussy, and once she did, experienced or not, I had a nice clean-up O while she licked out all the cream. Either there was a lot of it (which there was) or she enjoyed being there (which she did) because she stayed with her head between my legs for a long time, occasionally having to break off as an orgasm rushed through her. Dad really was taking his time, and Aunt Jenny is very orgasmic.
I enjoyed myself, but I also enjoyed when I saw that Mom and Mike had come over to join us. She lay down beside me and we talked with Dad while Mike ate her out for a while, then when he was ready he got up and mounted her. The four of us talked, with interruptions of course, until Dad finally stiffened and grunted and Aunt Jenny got the satisfied smile of a woman who's just been filled with cum. It's like the cat with the canary, and if you've never seen it, you're missing out.
Dad let me move to clean Aunt Jenny while he gave his wife desert. Mom must not mind pussy juices, because she'll clean him up after other women without complaint. Aunt Jenny was spiralling down from an orgasm when I got to her, but once I rolled her over and got some fingers and tongue involved, I managed to wind her back up again. She tastes very clean too, just a hint of musk and sweetness to her pussy.
Mike must have filled Mom when I wasn't paying attention, because the next thing I knew Aunt Jenny was cleaning him off. Mom always sees to her own pussy, obviously, and she was dipping her fingers into it, extracting the cream, and licking it up with relish. She and my dad sat back on the couch and started talking again, then Aunt Jenny finally shooed me away and asked for pie requests. So then we had pie. I wish I could say that we had some cream on top, because that would have been sexy, but at that point both my dad and brother were spent.
After pie and coffee it was getting dark, so everyone was putting clothes back on, but my brother said he couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Aunt Jenny. She needs as much attention as she can get, so we sat back, clothed, and Aunt Jenny and Mike kissed for a few minutes, hands all over the place. He was hard again after a few moments of this, and she was obviously still well-lubed, so since we were all sitting they sat too, him on the bottom and her in front of him. She can't be very acrobatic because of her health, but she straddled him facing away and eased down onto him, and we were all treated to the sight of his cock pressing up into the space between her bent legs.
We talked some more, Mike diddled Aunt Jenny's clit until she came, then he must have known we had to leave soon, so he didn't last as long as usual. When he pulled out she didn't really even leak, which is a sign of how tired he must have been after satisfying all three women. I'm glad I got first dibs, although I think Mom was perfectly happy with his performance. Then he put his clothes on, we all kissed goodbye, with Dad doing some very deep kissing, and promised to meet again at Christmas. Then back into the cold car we went.
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