Monday, April 4, 2011

A Bit Too Warm

All of a sudden, spring showed up and kicked us in the nuts. Wham, rain. Wham, sun. Wham, heat, humidity, and then back to rain and then a bit more winter just to confuse things.

During the brief moments of vague pleasantness this morning, when the dew was still out and things seemed new, I tripped lightly out of doors in my favorite springtime attire (read: nothing on but a grin) and watched the sun come up until it became too warm. Our backyard isn't huge, but it's big enough to romp about in, although I wasn't in a romping mood, and secluded enough to be private, which was good since I would have been exposing myself to all the world had it not been. Not that I would really have minded. I've been wearing too much clothing recently.

I wish I could say that I did this because I was up with the lark, but in fact I did this because I was desperately trying to sleep and it wasn't working, so I decided to give up, and then I was desperately trying to do things I needed to do but that didn't happen either. It was avoidance in the grand scale. I'm not doing particularly well at buckling down recently, and this was just more of the same.

Our backyard is also shaded, which is nice because I don't tan. Others of my family hate it, but there's no longer anyone here who should be out in the sun for any extended period, so we've let the shade cover most of the yard, although it shifts to cover different areas depending on the time. I know some people enjoy sun-dappled sex outdoors, but I like sex in the shade. Not that I've been getting any of either.

I remember when I was younger, much younger, and still wild about the outdoors despite my genetic shortcomings in the melanin department and my complete inability to survive for long period without plumbing. I used to spend all the time I had outdoors in the summer. My knees, elbows, and ass would be grass-stained, and the rest of me covered with dirt and sweat. And yet I still managed to be attractive to various people, for which I'm thankful, since the great outdoors is only as great as it is because of sex therein.

Now, I stay inside because I like Vitamin D in milk and I hate mosquitoes and humidity and heat. I don't like sweat or dirt all that much either, and I almost never sit bare-ass in the grass any more because I secretly worry about centipedes crawling up into my cunt. Okay, not really. But my skin is much more frail than it used to be, at least as far as my brain is concerned.

Do I miss the carefree days of youth, when I did all sorts of things I wouldn't in a million years do now? Perhaps. Does this make me dislike heat, humidity, dirt, and insects any less? No. But I confess that this morning, before returning to the safety of the indoors and another attempt at sleep, I did find the tree behind which so many escapades took place, the hollow which seemed so much bigger then, and I did gleefully squat and piss on the ground there, as I had in my youth. We peed everywhere. There was a time, before my first time, when taking my clothes off with a boy and both peeing in the same place was the height of debauchery, and even after I learned the heady pleasures of the flesh, I still was often too lazy to return to the house for a toilet. Call it marking our territory. All the kids did it.

Well, the territory is still mine. Maybe I'll take Sveta out there and we can do some of the other stuff we used to do back there.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done. Nothing like a piss behind a tree - or off a bridge.

Bravo lassie

Naughty Lexi said...

Never peed off a bridge; girls have a bit more difficulty in that arena than boys, I imagine. I'll have to try it sometime and see how it goes. No, I won't either; my days of peeing off of bridges have passed, I think.

Advizor54 said...

Peeing off a bridge just requires a safe place to sit on the edge. Maybe Sveta sits behind you, holding your knees up and open as you let Mother Nature mark the wind... Just make sure the wind is blowing from your back.

I too have a secluded back yard, hot summers, and early mornings where territory is marked by various fluids. I dislike the heat so those first early morning moments of cool quiet are precious.

I think Sveta will enjoy it greatly, and, if you don't like centipedes, come to my house and use the trampoline.

Marcus Myself said...

You had me the moment you said nude. I seem to get lost in overly pleasant imaginings every time I think of you nude. Why is this do you think? Here where I live I am surrounded by gorgeous women all the time and manage just fine but the merest thought of you naked and I have raging wood - what to do!

Max said...

Nice post. I also remember the childhood summer days of going outside and not coming home until dark (or after.) And of course marking territory, which I always assumed was just a guy thing. :-)

P.S. - my captcha is "butfun". Missing a "t", but still made me laugh.

Naughty Lexi said...

@Advizor: Boys have it easier; they can just drop trou and spray. And I'm not exactly living in Madison County, so my bridge-peeing opportunities are limited.

@Marcus: Clearly you need to do something more than simply be surrounded by gorgeous women; invite them to be nude in your presence ;)

@Max: Territory-marking is definitely more a guy thing, but I was always a strange little girl ;) And butfun is fine by me too ;)

Marcus Myself said...

You are right, but believe it or not, I am shy ;-)

Also, affairs can be complicated, takes planning - lol

Naughty Lexi said...

Don't feel too bad; I'm actually pretty shy myself. No one online believes me when I say that, but if you met me in everyday life, you'd never know it was me.

Marcus Myself said...

I'll have to take your word for it, unfortunately I do not think I will be lucky enough to meet you - for I would be very fortunate indeed if that were to happen

Just A. Girl said...

Interesting post.