Monday, April 25, 2011

Talking It Over

I've made it fairly clear in the past that I don't intend for this blog to become nothing more than a place where I post pictures, of myself or others or anything, really. I have various reasons for this, not least of which is that I don't have any reliable means of taking pictures. And those people kind enough to comment have made it clear that they, in turn, don't expect pictures, although they seem to enjoy them an awful lot.

I particularly didn't want to bring up pictures during the previous Spring Break week because Sveta has, in the past, shown a lack of basic precaution when it comes to pictures, and because Ernst has made it clear that he'd really, really like to take a whole lot of pictures or video or whatever. I figured that bringing up the subject would only make things worse, and perhaps I was right. Plus I didn't really want to mention blogs around Ernst.

I guess I'm being hypocritical in the extreme, except that when I was Sveta's age, I did crazy things, some of which wound up in places I would have preferred they hadn't, but Facebook wasn't the behemoth that it is now, and people weren't getting in trouble in later life for inappropriate pictures they took in their youth, at least not as often. When I was young, if you let out your dirty pictures, the only way other people would see them is if they were looking for dirty pictures. Now, people are posting things on Facebook etc. which can be seen by just about anyone.

Anyway, I'm beginning to sound like an old fart here, which wasn't my intention. I was just trying to explain why I was being hypocritical. But Sveta found out and called me on it, and perhaps rightly so. I, in turn, raised the issue again of my concern for her lack of online safety, perhaps rightly so as well. In fairness, she's been much better about it, and at first it was mostly just because she was finally out on her own where things like that could happen. Sowing her wild oats. And it would definitely be hypocritical of me to tell her she can't do things.

In the end, we discussed and she said that she understood my points, because after all, I had more to lose and I had bigger secrets to keep, but she wished I would be a bit more flexible. I believe I may have agreed to let her allow Ernst to indulge in some amateur pornography; if I didn't, he certainly indulged anyway, and will probably continue so to do. I'm a bit worried about that; he seems nice enough, but you never know. Still, she's not my child nor is she really a child at all any more, so I have to let her make her own choices.

Anyway, what it boils down to, as far as you're concerned, is that Sveta felt that I was being heartless to my readers denying them any pictures at all. So you can thank her for the following, which was taken almost immediately after our discussion but of which I only recently received a copy. I think the composition was slightly better before I cropped it; maybe Ernst has the makings of a pornographer after all. I hope not, really.

Lexi and Sveta

This should not signal a vast outpouring of pictures in the future. I just have to keep you all interested. And I have to try to give Sveta an outlet for her desires to do this kind of thing which is slightly safer. Plus, we're hot together.


Get8More said...

Thank you for the picture --- SO DAMN SEXY!!!

Naughty Lexi said...

Don't thank me, thank Sveta.

David said...

Yes, you are HOT together...thank you for sharing this quick glimpse with us.

Anonymous said...

nice photo.

Jim said...

No offense, but a lack of photos on this blog has never diminished my interest in it one bit. It's what's between your ears and how you choose to share that with us that's always been the biggest turn-on and attention grabber for me.


Marcus Myself said...

You are a very good friend to her. She must be very special for you to care this much. So thanks to Sveta for the very sexy picture and thanks to you for caring.

Scarlet said...

It is really your choice... if not your pics, then use pictures of others.

But thanks for sharing that picture.