Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yay Delaware

France does a nice thing on her blog (possibly every Saturday, but if not, certainly with regularity) which she calls "a dash of happy." And since I'm always for doing two things at once, I'm going to pimp her blog (you ought to read it) and at the same time be inspired by her example.

Delaware has approved its civil unions bill.

I don't talk politics here. But for me this isn't a political issue. It's a moral issue (which, let's face it, I don't talk about much either). And while I don't like that it's just civil unions and not full-on marriage, I do like that it's a step in the right direction. And I don't live in Delaware; I'm just happy for all the people who do.

Weddings make me cry. But happy crying. I like doing that.

Maybe in my lifetime, my kids (or more likely my grandchildren) will look at me with confusion when I say that at one time people who loved each other couldn't get married. They'll wonder what the hell I'm talking about; surely the world never worked like that, not around here. And that would be a beautiful thing, as beautiful as the expressions of confusion I hope to get when I talk about how at one time the color of someone's skin mattered for some reason. Still got a hill to climb on both, but all you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Things don't always go backwards. Sometimes people do the right thing. Not because of politics. Because it's the right thing.


Advizor54 said...

I'll admit that this is one thing I've changed my mind about over the past few years and I still clash with people from my earlier life when it comes up.

At first it was the big morals bugaboo, but the more I've seen how others live and the more I've had to struggle to find happiness in my own life, I've become more empathetic towards others.

Life should be happy, it should be spent with those we love and who love us back. I've also seen how painful it is for my friends how have to hide their true affections from friends, family, and employers. I've been watching and listening closely to the debates and not been able to find a downside to civil unions or marriage rights.

So, I'll join in, Hooray for Delaware.

Anonymous said...


France said...

Aww thank you :)

I don't understand why it takes so long to accept something so simple. You love each other and want to get married. Simple! Or why is it so hard for same sex couples to adopt? I guess being "different" is bad.

Yay Delaware for sure!