Monday, August 8, 2011

A Gap

I didn't cum at all yesterday. For a slightly-longer-than-24-hour period, I had no orgasms, and for most of that period I didn't even think about that fact. But then I started thinking about it, which led me to a series of conclusions.

  1. You gals who can't cum, you have my sympathy. Really. If there were any way I could transfer an orgasm to you, I'd line up to donate one.
  2. You gals who can cum but aren't allowed to, you don't have my sympathy quite as much, but still, it must be hard. Actually, it might be harder than just not being able to, so maybe you've got my sympathy more. Either way, sympathy all 'round for the orgasm-less.
  3. It's been a long time since I lived a life which wasn't filled with at least self-administered orgasms. Sure, there was that period a while back where I fasted a bit, just to see what happened, but that was an exception. Maybe I take orgasms for granted.
  4. Or maybe they're like drinking and eating, and everyone should be having more of them. Am I the oddity, or is everyone else? This path consumed my thinking for a bit until I shook myself loose of wheels within wheels an returned to reality.
  5. Sometimes I orgasm just for the sake of orgasming. That worries me slightly; I think orgasms should be at least mildly entertaining diversions, not things which one does because one has to. Not that I have to, necessarily, but sometimes, occasionally, I feel rushed, like I'm just doing it so I can get on with something else.
  6. Lately, a certain amount of the activities I enjoy have felt that way. This is more worrisome.
  7. When I don't cum, I'm not like a junkie without a fix. I'm perfectly rational. Orgasms in and of themselves are not why I have sex, nor are they things I need to seek out. When I broke my orgasm-fast, it wasn't because I couldn't stand to be without orgasms, but because I was having a tough time for other reasons, and felt the need to seek comfort in an orgasm.
  8. Orgasms don't cure horny. At least, not for me.
  9. When I don't cum, it's usually because my life is sucking, not because my life is so great I don't need to cum. But by the same token, my life doesn't start to suck because I'm not cumming.
  10. Orgasms are a comfort food? Really? I guess they're less fattening than mashed potatoes or mac and cheese.
  11. #10 wasn't really a conclusion. #11 is looking a bit shaky too.
  12. I only missed orgasms when I thought about them, and since I didn't think about them for most of the day, nothing in my day aroused me at all. Which is kind of odd. There were a number of things which, in hindsight, could easily have aroused me, and that they didn't suggests that I wasn't completely there all day.
  13. Only rarely do I fail to have an orgasm while trying to have one. So yesterday wasn't a day where the motor died, just a day where I never turned the key in the first place.
  14. This blog post would probably have been better structured as a series of paragraphs rather than a list.
  15. But it's funnier this way.
  16. Those last two aren't really conclusions about orgasms, and the whole thing is getting pretty fucking meta.
On a different but slightly related topic (basically, I just wanted an excuse to mention this) if you're not reading Girls With Slingshots, it's just coming to the end of a terrific arc about a crippling lack of batteries. Some people are scratching their heads right now (I'm not making harsh generalizations, but I have a hunch that most of those people have penises, not that all people who have penises are scratching their heads). Go check it out; it begins here. Well, actually, that's the context for the beginning of the arc, but read it anyway.

1 comment:

Advizor54 said...

There are days, luckily not too many of the them, where I realize as I tuck in to bed, that I've not had any fun thoughts at all. As an avid fan of spandex, and a frequent gym-goer, this is highly unusual. It usually happens when I'm not sleeping well or eating right, my energy is down, my biorythms are at a triple nadir, or I'm just in a bad mood. The happier I am the hornier I get, but, as you mentioned, being horny doesn't make me happier.

Thank goodness for showers.... :-)

And yes, "Girls with Slingshots" is worth the reading time.