Saturday, February 28, 2015


A helpful link from an anonymous reader:

"We've had a ton of feedback, in particular about the introduction of a retroactive change (some people have had accounts for 10+ years), but also about the negative impact on individuals who post sexually explicit content to express their identities," wrote Jessica Pelegio, Google's social product support manager, in a post on Google product forums. "So rather than implement this change, we've decided to step up enforcement around our existing policy prohibiting commercial porn."
So... I guess I'll stop my destruction of all my images and wait and see what happens on March 23.

As I'm still violating Blogger's TOC, maybe I'll disappear.  If that happens, look for me to pop up elsewhere or not, I guess.

I've taken down a bunch of images already as well as crushing my site design into a fine powder, which annoys me.  If things go as this says they will, I'll do a redesign.  The images will probably stay gone though.  Don't worry; I have others.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Doing It

No, not that.

I'm going through and removing all the pictures from the site.  I don't know how long it will be before Blogger decides that anything sexual at all must go, but until then I guess I'll keep writing.  I'm going to leave up everything I can even if it makes no sense without the pictures because there are comments and text to be saved.  I'll try to mark where I've taken pics out.


Well... I don't know.  It gives me an excuse to read through the archive.  If I still go private after all this work I'll be pissed off, frankly.  But I know a lot of people have enjoyed my stories and...

I could just start up another blog from scratch, repost some stuff, that kind of thing, but part of me wants to go down fighting.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Looks Like We're Done Here

Soooooo... Blogger has changed their TOS and I can't have naked pictures.  I could go back, I suppose, and remove all pictures from my blog, but I'm not sure I really care enough to do so, nor am I sure that would fix things.  This might be it for me.  I don't feel like moving to WordPress and having the same thing happen over there, and rest assured it probably will at some point.  I'm not really surprised by this.

I'm not really complaining.  It's just kind of sad.  Ah well.

If you want you can email me at lexinaughtygirly on gmail (you're smart enough to know how to do that, I hope) once this blog goes private, as has been stated it will.  I don't know what that means, exactly.  Not sure I care.

Love you all,

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sexy Musics

A dear friend and reader of this blog just started a Bandcamp page for his music and has given me kind permission to plug it.  I can attest to the music quality.  Right now he's working on getting all of it up and determining rights, that sort of thing, but soon hopefully there will be a plethora of sexy tunes there.

My personal testimonial: one of his songs got me hot and bothered, which isn't hard, but it also relaxed me to the point where being hot and bothered wasn't painful, which is much more difficult to do.  I played it again last night after I got permission to do this plug and found that Sveta was similarly moved by it.  I don't think he's got it up yet (but maybe he'll be moved to do so once he reads this) but it's called Mesopelagic Zone: Descent To Midnight and is part of a series he did about the different zones of the ocean.

You just feel weightless listening to it, and I've always wanted to try weightless sex, no matter how much people claim it would suck.  I'd make it suck in a good way, I'll tell you.  With my mouth on Sveta's cunt it was like I was using her as scuba gear and we were somehow both weightless and able to breath water.  She came like a freight train but it was so gentle and relaxed that she just passed into it and then was rolling like ocean currents.

Bob (the musician in question) has also said that it's good to be in an altered state when you listen, and while I haven't experienced it I can say that I totally understand why he would say that.  There are all sorts of fun rhythms and sonic vibrations.  If I had those crazy panties that have the speakers built into the crotch, I would wear them and feel the music all over.

So please, if you enjoy instrumental music that might just make you cum harder than you ever have (no guarantees, YMMV) or if you just want to support a friend of mine, head over to and do please patronize.