Saturday, September 22, 2007

People Assume

I don't get a lot of mail (my email address is lexinaughtygirly AT if you want to write me) but I get the impression that people, once they hear about my family, assume certain things. Plus I read a fair number of stories that people tell about sex, specifically incest or young sex, and see some things that just aren't like me at all. So I thought I'd clear a few things up. It's really much less exciting than me talking about my latest lay, but you don't have to read it; you can just wait and I'll talk about something more titillating eventually I'm sure.

First off, my parents aren't pedophiles, at least not in the strictest definition. I mean, my Dad obviously gets off on fucking younger women (my Mom is younger than him too), and I'm pretty sure he's not at all turned off by preteen girls, since he's had at least three of them. In fact, I think he's had more than three, but I don't know. So how can I say he's not a pedophile? Well, maybe I can't, but he's not one of those guys who only likes young girls, and once they reach a certain age he drops them like a hot iron. He still makes love with all of his daughters (even Mari on occasion) and his wife, and we've long outgrown the little girl stage. If he was only doing it for appearances... well, that's ridiculous to even think about, since he's certainly pleased as punch to service any of us.

I do think my parents believe that arbitrary age limits for sexual activity are wrong; turning 18 doesn't magically make you an adult, any more than turning 21 magically makes your body impervious to alcohol. So yes, I and my siblings lost our virginities very young by some people's standards.

Which raises another point: my parents never gave me or my brother and sisters alcohol when we were underage, ever. Not once. My parents aren't even big drinkers; my dad has a beer every so often, and my mom enjoys a drink at parties now and then, but they certainly never gave us booze to "loosen us up."

I've read a lot of stories about older guys giving young girls alcohol as a prelude to sex, and they always try to justify it, but in the end, you really shouldn't. If a girl (or boy for that matter) is really interested in sex, then they don't need to get drunk to do it. If they aren't really interested, then you're raping them. In fact, I don't care what age you are; if you fuck someone who doesn't want to, that's rape. It should be wrong whether you're eight or eighty.

So I was not buzzed when I lost my virginity. Maybe it would have been less painful at the start (I've heard suggestions that say otherwise) but it hurt for a few seconds, that's all. And I wanted it. I don't care if people think that a child can't understand and therefore can't make that decision. I wanted to make love with my Daddy. Hell, I wanted to make love with my brother and sisters too. Even my mom, if she'd been willing. I was a horny little girl.

I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't wanted it. If I'd said I was too scared, or something like that, or some other reason. I just don't know, because like I said, I wanted it and I've never regretted it. I'd like to think that if I'd said no, it wouldn't have happened. My father loves me, and I'm sure he would never force himself on me. Sure, there was a bias in my mind, being introduced to sex at an early age and seeing my two older sisters do it before me. So what? I don't think there's anything wrong with teaching children that sex isn't some taboo thing. Teach them to be safe and have fun, just like everything else they do.

It's always seemed to me to be like potty training: eventually you've got to learn. A grown adult can't go around wearing diapers all his life, so eventually he has to learn about going to the bathroom, even if some people might think that bodily functions are disgusting and wrong. Likewise, most adults, hell, most kids, will have sex at some point, and teaching them about it is responsible, even if some people think it isn't. And if you teach a child that going to the bathroom is disgusting and wrong, you're going to mess up his brain. Same thing with sex: it's natural, so do it. Don't shit on the floor, and don't fuck a crackhead, but be safe and have fun (well, in the case of potty training, I don't know about having fun, but some people certainly seem to enjoy it).

So I'm not a scarred victim. I'm not unnatural. Sure, I have a little bit more sex than most people, but a lot of it is in the family, so if everyone started doing that, I bet they'd catch up pretty quickly. I just want to make it perfectly clear that my parents love their kids in all ways, not just physically. If I weren't living at home, I'm sure my parents would go back to whatever it was they were doing before we all got here. As it is, my dad and I make love, and we do it out of love and a desire for some physical pleasure too. It's no different than masturbation, really; we're just getting off sometimes too.

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