Friday, August 13, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday - Heavenly

Red at Night by Carter Vaughn

Insistently he begged her to submit, to allow him into her. She had thus far preserved what little virtue she had; he had been satisfied by her hands, then her mouth, on numerous occasions. But now he wanted it all, and as they knelt naked on the floor, she knew she would give it to him.

The first rush was pure pleasure as he slid into her. No obstruction marred the entrance, no new pain greeted them. And as her body glowed in the wash of crimson light, she looked up at the stained glass window above them and saw two figures in red, in the same positions. He was behind her, and her face was smiling. And she knew; God ordained this.

That divine provenance carried her up the heights of climax, and four figures, bathed in ruby passion, prayed together in the oldest way.

There's only the one this week, but I liked it because I'm a bit spiritual despite my pragmatic leanings and I really do believe that religion and sex can both have a place in life.  If the stained glass windows in churches looked like this, I'd spend a lot more time in church, I can tell you that.

No cajoling this week; if you don't want to have fun and learn new things and meet great people and read terrific writing and join the community and just plain be a better person, who am I to force you?  Flash Fiction Friday will still be there when you wise up.  I hope, anyway.


Max said...

Very creative take on this! Nice piece. Happy FFF!

Dioneo said...

Edgy and original. I would have never thought to make the image stained glass, but I certainly see it. Very well done!

Katia said...

If there were stained glass windows like this in church, I sure wouldn't be focusing on the message. *grins*


Advizor54 said...

I grew up in a faith that celebrated sex within marriage and I've always been glad that I've seen it in a positive light.

I love light as it streams through stained glass, it's a beautiful feeling to be awash in color as the sun comes through. An excellent image.

Bella said...

I like the twist you put in :) at first I thought you were talking about the couple that were in the photo...but in fact it wasn't that at all...

Well done

Naughty Lexi said...

Thanks guys; I've got nothing but good things to say about all the compliments, but I'm just not together enough to say them individually.

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful image that comes to my mind when I read your story...

Anonymous said...

Very creative, indeed. Enjoyed your piece. ;-)


The Panserbjørne said...

Praying together in the oldest way...I like that. I know I definitely get more of a sense of spirituality from this than I get from (say) Fred Phelps and his hateful folk. Religion can be wielded like a club, or an enfolding blanket, can't it?

Thanks for joining us this week.

-- PB