Saturday, January 17, 2009

Killing Time

Sveta will be coming over soon; we're going out on a date. It feels weird to say that, but that's essentially what we're doing. Then we'll come back here and make up for the time since we've seen each other. I expect her to spend the night, frankly, because that's the only way we're going to get in enough fun. But today, we're going out to lunch.

While I'm waiting for Sveta, I thought I'd take the time to answer a question. I don't get enough of these, kids, and I'd love to get more, but I did get this one a few days ago and I wanted to answer it.

Have you and your Dad or Mike ever acted like lovers in public? Maybe checking into a hotel together or vacationing together? Also, have you ever kissed passionately in public and purposely try to shock someone by saying "Dad" or "Brother"? :-)

- Jim

Well, I'll take the second question first, because it's the boring answer. No, I've never kissed my brother or my dad in public and then tried to shock people by implying that they were who they really are. My dad wouldn't like it, and I've just never done it with Mike. We're not big on public displays in my family, probably because it's risky, so normally we don't go around kissing in public even if no one knows who we are. Boring, I know, sorry.

My dad and I have never vacationed together, posing as a couple. It's just not something in our relationship. Sure, we've vacationed, but not by ourselves and not pretending to be anything other than a father and daughter. Doesn't mean we don't fuck on vacation. Far from it. We haven't vacationed anywhere in a while, because of jobs and money, but if and when we do it again, doubtless we'll have the same fun we do at home.

My brother and I have pretended to be lovers rather than siblings on several occasions. When he would visit me in college, we'd go out and go on dates, essentially. We couldn't do it at college, because people knew who he was, but we'd go into town. He would always drag me to bars, even though he couldn't drink. Just liked the scene, I guess. I've mentioned I'm not a bar-hopper by any stretch, so it was a change in routine.

We did once rent a motel room for the night rather than have to camp out in my dorm room, and that hotel bed got quite a few new stains by the time we were finished. But it wasn't particularly obvious. We didn't proclaim to the world that we were newlyweds or something. We just rented the room and stayed there, and since we were there we fucked. We would have fucked if we'd stayed at my dorm. Gwen, my roomie, knew all about us, and she would have joined in, I imagine. I don't really remember why we didn't go back to the dorm; I guess we wanted privacy. I don't remember.

Mike and Sheri, on the other hand, have pretended to be lovers a lot. Sheri's much less inhibited than the rest of us (which is, I guess, a funny thing to say, since the rest of us aren't particularly inhibited) and she's perfectly willing to make out with people in public, and she got Mike to go along for the ride several times, to my knowledge. But then she's gotten me to do various things I never would do ordinarily. There's a fair chance she's even called him "Bro" just to see if people were listening. If she wrote a blog, the internet would probably explode. But she's not interested in that kind of thing. "What's the point of telling when you could be doing?" is her motto.

I dream, of course, of running off with my dad, pretending he's my husband, having babies with him. It wouldn't be fair to my mom, of course, but I can dream about it. It would be easier to run off with Mike, but not the same, sorry Mike. He and Sheri will run off together before he runs off with me anyway; they already have one failed baby to their credit. I sometimes wonder what they would have done if Sheri had actually carried to term: would they have pretended to be a couple, or would Sheri have raised it herself with help from her brother. I lean toward the latter, because I can't see Sheri being interested in tying herself down at all.

Who knows? While I'm writing about this, she and Mike may be trying to get pregnant again. It could still happen, and I know she wants it and Mike has an impregnation fetish. I'd let him knock me up too, but I'm less adventurous. Or I'm more cowardly. I lean toward the latter.

Hope everyone has a good day; I plan to. Thanks to Jim for writing in a question; keep them coming: lexinaughtygirly(AT) I'm very nice over email. And if you ask a question I can't answer in the blog, I may answer it just for you.


mommasboy said...

When did your brother first have any sexual contact and with who? When did he first have sex with your mother, and was your father present for the 'christening'?

Naughty Lexi said...

It's not perfect, but the post about my brother's first time is located at