Wednesday, May 2, 2012

TMI Wednesday

Because I’m always behind.

1. Are you wearing any jewelry? What?
A ring Sveta gave me.
2. What are you listening to now?
Nothing at all.
3. What is the last piece of entertainment media (i.e., cd, download, book, DVD) that you purchased?
I bought several books and several DVDs at a used book sale a week or so ago.  I feel guilty about spending the money now.  Yay poverty.
4. What kind of undergarments are you wearing right now? Care to post a photo?
Normal panties and bra.  Nothing special.  And thus, no real reason to post a photo.  The imagination is better anyway.
5. What is your current mood?
Depressed.  About life, about the state of the world, finances, about a lot of things.  If I don’t get this job which it looks increasingly like I won’t, I’m up shit creek.
6. What is the best looking thing about you today?
My ass, I guess.  It’s been the one thing that hasn’t changed much in the past few months.  I still think it could be more toned, but I’m not going to go to the effort, so I guess it’ll just stay flabby.  Yay inertia.
7. Fill in the blank. Tonight I’m looking forward to...
I don’t know what I’m looking forward to.  If I get this job, then that’ll be really, really good.  But I’m not looking forward to it.  If I don’t get this job, then I guess I’m looking forward to depression.  Yay.
Bonus: Tell me something good
I’m still here.  Kittens and puppies are still cute with a high degree of regularity.  Some things aren’t total crap, I guess.  Yeah, I’m a little ray of sunshine today.


Jack and Jill said...

Judging by your Blogger profile picture, yes, your ass is certainly one of your best looking features!

Good luck with the job!

Anonymous said...