Tuesday, April 4, 2017

TMI Tuesday

From the archives:

1. You’ve been waiting forever for your significant other to propose marriage, when they finally do it is in the form of a bribe: “Lose 10-15 lbs. (approx. 1 stone U.K.; approx. 6 kilos) and I will marry you…the wedding can be anyway, and anywhere of your choosing…just lose some weight.”

Would you accept this proposal?

(Alternatively for the traditionalists): Men if your significant other was a little ‘heavier’ than you’d like him/her to be, would you make such a proposal?

Fuck you.  No seriously, fuck you.  If you come to me and say, "Honey, I'm concerned about your weight because I think it's unhealthy..." or, "Honey, this is a terrible thing to say and I hope you don't hate me, but I'm finding myself less attracted to you because you've gotten heavier..." then maybe we can talk.  But if you dangle some ring over my head and tell me in order to marry me I've got to drop weight, fuck you.  This isn't JV Wrestling, and fuck you.

2. Are you participating in any Halloween festivities? Will you wear a costume? If yes, what?

As you can see, this one was from Halloween-time.  Since it'll be April when this gets published, even if I were more interesting than I am, I wouldn't be able to give a satisfying answer.  But short answer, I rarely do much for Halloween besides sit at home, maybe watch a good Halloween movie or TV show (and I don't like horror, so that usually means something either silly or a bad monster movie or something), and hand out treats to the neighborhood children when they come by.  I wish I could get it together to put a costume together, but I never do.  I've been to Halloween parties and all I really wanted to do was take my costume off (read that however you'd like and you'd probably be right).

3. Forget the fact that you have a blog, in real-life are you:

a. an over-sharer who tells every detail of your personal life to everyone including the barista at Starbucks?

b. a little discriminating in who you decide to talk to about your personal life, feelings, etc.? Your love life isn’t off limits to friends and family but you don’t confide in total strangers.

c. as tight as a clam? You don’t share important details with friends and family and when you do it about kills you because you are extremely private.

I'm really none of these; I don't share my life with everyone at all times, but I don't keep secrets from my family either, for the most part.  I'm not an over-sharer, let's say.  I probably land somewhere between B and C: I don't open up for just anyone (which is why I enjoy blogging because it's safe exhibitionism, although I don't tell you guys much apart from the prurient details of my sordid love life) but I don't keep everything from everyone.  I live a pretty compartmentalized life though.

Some people jealously guard their sex lives, but since I put different values on sex than most people, I don't view sharing my sex life as being particularly open.  It doesn't really tell you about me as a person, just about some fun I've had, in the same way that someone else might show slides of their trip to the Grand Canyon or something.  Very few people know me all that well.  So maybe I'm more C, just with different priorities.  I do find it hard to open up to people.  Sex might be deeply meaningful and intimate for a lot of people, but for me it's not something I feel like opens me up (aside from the obvious joke here) to my partner.  Sex isn't connection, although it's better with a connection.

4. MEN your significant other has asked to sleep with your cock in his/her mouth, what are your first thoughts? Would you say yes or no? Why?

LADIES/significant other…your guy just asked you to sleep with his penis in your mouth. Would you do it? Why or why not?

No, because I'd probably either choke or bite him.  I have no problem with it in principle, although it's definitely not a fetish of mine, but in practice it would go wrong pretty quickly.  If nothing else, I'd drool all over it, which isn't sexy.

Bonus: If you were remembered for one thing, what would it be?

For making the world a better place in some way, I hope.  This is more aspirational than the question.  If I died tomorrow, I don't know what I'd be remembered for, thing-wise.  I hope some people would remember me fondly.

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