Wednesday, August 18, 2021

TMI Random Questions

Who was your favorite cartoon character as a child?

Ariel from The Little Mermaid maybe. She's a redhead and cute, so little me probably looked up to her.

What makes you cry?

All sorts of things, unfortunately. Everything from sad things to happy things. Cute things. I cry too much.

What similarity between you and your significant other do you love?

Our taste in humor is pretty similar. And we both have similar bedroom techniques, though that's at least partially because I taught her everything I know and she's improved on it.

What characteristic do you admire in others that you feel you are lacking?

The ability to focus.

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?

All the wasted time because I can't focus.

You can trade places with one person for a day, who would it be?

Someone who is on a tropical island, or someone who has a bunch of money which I could use for my own nefarious purposes.

If you had a whole week (no work, no kids) to do things with your significant other, what would you do?

The tropical island sounds nice. No, seriously, probably what we've been doing for the past year and a half. In order for us to substantially change our routine, money would have to enter into the equation.

What is your idea of a long-term relationship?

If I see a person more than a few times, that's long-term for me. It can be a long-term sexual relationship, where we don't meet for any reason other than fucking, but if it makes it past a few meet-ups specifically to see this person, not just running into one another at another function, that's long-term for me. I'm lucky in that I'm not constrained to one long-term relationship at a time.

What is a healthy relationship?

Trust. Communication. Consent. Compromise. I think one hallmark of a healthy relationship that doesn't come up as often as those clichés is that you both want the same thing from the relationship, or you both want something you get from it, at least. Like, I could see a D/s relationship where the couple wouldn't want the same thing, but they both want the relationship to operate in a certain way. Something like that. You don't have to get equal things from a healthy relationship, but you should both be okay with what you get from it.

How did you meet your current (or last) lover?

I've told the story on the blog. Ages ago. Here and here, to begin with. Short version: she was dating a guy I was sort of dating, sort of just fuck-buddies with, she was a virgin, he wanted to be her first, she was nervous about that, and so enter Lexi, sex councilor to teenage lovers. I didn't deflower her but I was present. And then we started fooling around too, and then he dumped both of us and we wound up together. It wasn't what I expected to happen at all, but I'm mighty glad it did.

What is the first thing you do after having sex?

Clean up. What that entails varies wildly, but even if it's just reaching down and scooping some cum out of me, I clean up a little.

Do you have any bad habits that you hide from your significant other?

I try not to be unladylike and fart around her.

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