Thursday, August 27, 2009


Got this from Kara and Jess, who got it from TMI (who don't archive, which is tedious but I suppose works for them in a sort of mandala-like way), and while it's not Tuesday and I reject conformity, as I said, more of these while my guitar gently weeps.

  1. Do you have "your" side of the bed? Which side?

    Since I usually sleep alone, I'm all over the bed. I toss and turn like a gnat on speed. It sometimes makes it hard to sleep with someone else.

  2. How old is your pillow and what condition is it in?

    Too old. I need to replace it. But I actually have two pillows, one your standard pillow, one a buckwheat-hull thing. Which I can't say enough about; get one. I only wish I could find one which was big enough so I didn't have to support it with a regular pillow from below. I tried a memory foam pillow once, but it didn't work for me at all. Buckwheat all the way, baby.

  3. What is your favorite position to sleep in?

    One side or the other.

  4. How often do you change your sheets?

    As often as needed, usually due to getting messy.

  5. What helps you fall asleep when insomnia strikes?

    Nothing. I won't take sleeping pills, although maybe I should try them. Basically, if I have insomnia, I'm up until it goes away. I can be the walking dead and still not be able to sleep.

  6. Does sex make you sleepy or energized?

    Depends. A long session can put me nicely to sleep, but if I'm falling asleep and the urge hits and there's someone there to help with it, I can wind up waking myself up by fucking.

  7. What is the minimum amount of sleep that you need to be functional the next day?

    75 hours? Really, I wonder how function I really am no matter how much sleep I get.

Blah. I'm trying to collect some more fun trivia items, and when there are more than two or three, I'll post those instead of taking these silly quizzes which don't wind up being very interesting to anyone. Or maybe I'll keep being banal.


K & J said...

I still enjoy reading your answers :) Though we do need some more "exciting" questions. Kara XOXO

Anonymous said...

Buckwheat, eh? I'll have to check into that.