Friday, August 14, 2009

Visual Aids

As a joke, I told Gwen she should send me a photo for my blog. I didn't even remember saying it to her. Well, she sent one, and even though it's way hotter than most of mine which pisses me off, I'm going to post it anyway because I've got no other pics than ones people send me. Some day my computer will work and I'll have more of my own to show off. Until then, this should tide you over nicely.

Her breasts are bigger than they look (and her nipples get much puffier when she's aroused), and this isn't a recent picture I don't think. But still... I almost typed "bust still," Freudian slip there. And I have no idea who took the pic or where it is or anything like that. Beggars can't be choosers. If I had a pic of our recent fun, believe me I'd share, but we didn't have any camera except her cell phone and were really too busy to be taking crappy snapshots. As I've said, I'm not the shutterbug of the family.


Spnk MeRed said...

ok first YUM YUM she is cute stuff...second you should never be too busy to take those pics lol

Naughty Lexi said...

She is, isn't she? Really, I don't think of taking pics. I don't believe in remembering occasions that way, so it doesn't come to mind. I've forgotten cameras, or forgotten I've had them, and thus not taken a single picture. The only way I take pictures is if my plan is to do nothing but take pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way. I never have a camera when I really need one. I'm getting better, but it takes an honest effort. Hope your computer woes turn for the better. Happy Nipples.

Naughty Lexi said...

I bet that's why I have a whole lot of pictures of me, but not too many of other people taken by me. I'm such a diva, I want to be in all the pictures and never want to take any of them.