Friday, June 26, 2009

Out of Town

Going to be out of town for a while coming up, and I don't know if I'll be able to get to a computer, so don't panic; I'll be back. Unfortunately, it's nothing particularly exciting, but who knows; maybe something exciting will happen anyway. I could use some excitement; I could use a vacation, which this is not.

My mood is improved today, possibly by the fact that I saw Sveta yesterday briefly, just a "hello, how are you," kind of visit. She's working now, got finished with her training, and I stopped by at the end of her shift, drove her home. We took a little longer than was necessary to get from her work to her home, but we didn't take that long, and sadly there was no sex, just some heavy petting. We couldn't do it outside her work, nor could we do it outside her house, but there's a nice little park between the two, and we parked there a few moments. Making out, nothing more.

Then I went home and Dad was perfectly happy to give me some closure. Rocked and rolled me like it was on sale for $9.95. It wasn't hard, it was just firm. I can't describe the difference, except to say that I'm more a fan of the latter than the former, and fast usually goes with hard, whereas firm can be slow and steady.

Falling asleep with a pussy full of cum was nice, which perhaps accounts for my improved mood today. Or maybe that I'm shaking the dust off, heading out on the open road, etc. etc. and so on. I don't know. I'm making the most of it while it lasts.

Lord, it is hot though. It's not like I'm a fat-ass either; I just don't like heat at all. I go around nearly naked whenever possible too, so basically I've got nowhere else to go. I can't do anything to make myself cooler. My car doesn't have working AC, so I get all sticky.

Of course, Mari loves hot weather, hates the cold. Sheri can take it or leave it. Mike's with me. My mom doesn't mind as much, but my dad hates the heat. Can you tell that we fight about the thermostat in my house? We've got an old heating system and window air conditioners, and it's never perfect for anyone. Just another reason not to wear clothes. Naked and sweaty is easier than clothed and sweaty.

Oddly, I find that my sex drive speeds up in the heat, though. Maybe it's seasonal. Except at times when I've been places during the winter where the heat was too high, I've gotten really horny. I remember one winter, when I was too young to be feeling this way (according to society anyway) the heating system at school broke, and we couldn't turn it off for a week. Had to open all the windows, everything was 80 degrees, and I've never been hornier in school in my life. God, it was unbearable. I was too young to do anything about it, really, but I did fidget in my seat to the point that several of my teachers pulled me aside and asked if I had a rash. Embarrassing.

Had I been a little older, I would have made some guys very happy. But as it was, I just rushed home to get my ya-yas out, only I would cool down while I went home, so by the time I was home, things had quieted down south of the border. It was a see-saw of horniness. I was really glad when they fixed the heat, because I was less unhappy and also it was easier to deal with the baseline horny that I always had as a kid. I guess I still have it; I don't know how it compares. I think I'm probably a little more satisfied now, but if I had to live with how life was back then, I'd probably have it worse.

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