Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TMI Would I Rather...

I'm going to over-think these, because that's the only way I can have fun with them. You foolish non-question-askers leave me no choice. Plus it's not much of a meme, but it's a meme anyway. As always, TMI provides the meme-itude. Although I've edited for copy because I'm anal. Yes, that way too.

Would you rather...

1. Have a relaxing vacation or an adventurous trip?

Oh my God, give me relaxing vacation. I am so going on one as soon as I make enough money. Sveta and I, some secluded place, just nothing to care about in the world besides us and a beach or a quiet town or something. We don't even need to pick up other people. We never need to leave the room. Just a retreat. Yes, I'm old and boring. But don't worry, because I also want to take her on an adventurous trip, since I think she'd like that. But I need to decompress a little, and I don't know if that will ever get to happen.

2. Get a perfect night's sleep or have amazing sex?

Sex. One night, I'd take sex. If the question was, "Would you rather get a perfect night's sleep for the rest of your life or have amazing sex every night for the rest of your life?" I'd be more torn. I haven't slept well in so long, I'd like to sleep well because I think I could then have amazing sex in the morning or afternoon. But still, I might go with sex. I know how good sex makes me feel. I have no idea how a perfect night's sleep would make me feel. Maybe I'd go all psycho if I actually got good sleep.

3. Be intimate with the lights on or off?

Depends. This is not a "looks" thing, this is a "how touchy-feely is Lexi feeling" thing. If I want to spend a lot of time experiencing with my other senses, I'll turn the lights off. Or if I have a headache. Or if my prospective partner is unbearably ugly. Just kidding. I think I tend to go for lights off in bed, but lights on pretty much all the rest of the time, including sometimes in bed. And sometimes one fucks during the day, when the lights aren't really needed, so I guess that counts as lights on too. And no one can watch with the lights out. I guess I go for lights on more frequently.

4. Have your sig-O be a terrible kisser who could always make you orgasm or an amazing kisser who could never make you orgasm?

That's like saying, "Would you rather fuck someone with bad breath or an STD?" I love kissing, don't get me wrong. And kissing is very important. But a bad kisser would have to be worse than any kisser ever to be so bad that it would compare with not being able to make me cum. It's like comparing a bad day with the Black Plague. Different leagues. That, at any rate, is my humble opinion. I know others disagree, and I don't want to launch a holy war about it. I just can live with some substandard kissing, but not without cumming.

5. Date someone much younger or much older than you?

This isn't fair, because until recently I would have automatically said, "Oh, older, that doesn't bother me much." But now, I'd rather be dating Sveta, who is younger enough that I think she fits this category. God, it makes me feel so old. Lucky, but old.

Bonus (as in optional): Which reality show would you be good at? Why?

The reality show where I get to blow up other reality shows. If Mythbusters counts as a reality show, I'd like to do that (and while I don't have some of the skill sets they do, I do have some very applicable skill sets). Other than that, reality TV can cram it with walnuts.

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