Friday, March 10, 2023

The Blogger Age-Restriction Thing Update

So apparently it's not just my blog. It seems like it's something to do with EU restrictions, but there's no way for me to turn the age restriction login requirement off. That said, here's a Reddit post about how to disable it on your end, if you so choose. Thanks to Jim for seeking out the answer!

I'm sorry. It's hitting me right in the views (not that I'm getting that many of them these days) but it's not a monetization issue for me because I make no money off this blog and have no intention of changing that. I don't want your credit card details, Google does. I totally get that you're not interested in giving them that information. Neither am I.

If you can't access the blog, you're not reading this anyway, I guess.

Just more evidence that sex work isn't regarded as legitimate by anyone but sex workers. I'm not one of those, but this is going to hit them hardest.

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