Sunday, November 22, 2009


Before I totally forget, Bob was nice enough to make a collage of pictures that I've posted and he's let me share. It's a bit busy for a desktop wallpaper, but who am I to tell you what you can and can't do with things like this? Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

What a hot hot wallpaper; love 200! :D
Would be too naughty to use it as my wallpaper; can get caught lol

Passion said...

Yum, Yum! what a beautiful collection of pics Lexi. (drool)

Naughty Lexi said...

Direct all compliments to Bob. Although I guess I'll take some credit for posting the original pics. Glad you enjoy, even if it isn't exactly work-safe. Maybe sometime I'll come up with a wallpaper that's a bit more tame. Yeah, I'm not holding out much hope for that.

The Wyvern said...

Just catching up with the blog.

You are really sexy, Lexi!

Well done, Bob.
