Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stolen Questions

Brazenly stolen from Kara and Jess, who in turn got it from someone else.

  1. What is the color of your toothbrush? Pink and white, not by choice.
  2. Name one person who made you smile today. Sveta (boring answer).
  3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? This.
  4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Looking at job postings.
  5. What is your favorite candy bar? A big hunk of good dark chocolate.
  6. Have you ever been to a strip club? Yeah, blah.
  7. What is the last thing you said aloud? I hate my life. I say that a lot when I'm tired and suffering from insomnia.
  8. What is your favorite ice cream? How to choose? Chocolate, but it's got to be good ice cream.
  9. What was the last thing you had to drink? OJ baby.
  10. Do you like your wallet? I don't know, do you like your front door?
  11. What was the last thing you ate? Cheese melted on bread.
  12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? I haven't bought new clothing in months, I don't think.
  13. The last sporting event you watched? Spanish-language soccer. GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!
  14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Popcorn-not-being-eaten-by-me flavor.
  15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? Samuel Morse. It's, I say, it's a joke there son. Nice boy but dumb as a box of rocks.
  16. Ever go camping? Not if I can help it.
  17. Do you take vitamins daily? No. I should, but I'm bad about remembering daily habits.
  18. Do you go to church every Sunday? If my body is a temple, then I'm a devout worshipper at my own altar every day. Yes, that's a double entendre, not a sign of my ego.
  19. Do you have a tan? No, do you have change for a twenty?
  20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? Yes. If that makes me un-American, I don't want to be part of your stinking pizza-ocracy anyway. I like pizza, but at the end of the day there's really not that many different kinds of pizza, whereas there are thousands of different Chinese dishes. I could eat Chinese every day without getting bored with it. The same I cannot say for pizza.
  21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? I don't drink my soda at all if I can help it.
  22. What did your last text message say? "What hath God wrought." Look it up.
  23. What are you doing tomorrow? Same shit I've been doing every day for what seems like forever.
  24. Favorite color? To wear, black, not because I'm making pretenses at being part of a scene I don't deserve, but because it goes with everything and doesn't show stains. But I don't want everything to be black. I'm not the Rolling Stones.
  25. Look to your left; what do you see? A red door and I want it painted black. Couldn't resist. A bookshelf. There are a lot of them around.


Anonymous said...

I stole it from you too Lexi - hope you don't mind :P

Get some sleep! ;)

Naughty Lexi said...

Sort of the point, I think.