Just got back a little while ago from Sveta's college. Definitely a trip worth commemorating in song and story, but because of that, I need to decompress a little before I can fire up the writing part of my brain and tell it like it needs telling. Of course, now I'm hyping it up and I'll suck. Yay me.
Anyway, the full report is coming, but in summary: I love Sveta (hey honey), had a good time without much hassle, and as you can judge from the parenthetical comment above, Sveta reads the blog now. So be nice. She's going to be a silent presence here for a while, but maybe soon I'll get her out of her shell. But she's got bigger fish to fry with college at the moment.
Hope everyone else had an okay weekend, greetings to the great new people who've decided to follow my blog (we'll be up to 20 followers around here before you know it, oooh, aaaahhh), and check back later for something more interesting than a status update. Blogger really should figure out a way to have a status section so I wouldn't have to post actual posts about it, which artificially inflate my post count and probably bore everyone to death. Blah blah blah.
Looking forward to reading about the weekend!
Hi Sveta... Welcome! It's nice to have you here. ;)
Glad you had such a great time and can't wait to read about it!!
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