Brazenly stolen from Kara and Jess, who in turn got it from someone else.
- What is the color of your toothbrush? Pink and white, not by choice.
- Name one person who made you smile today. Sveta (boring answer).
- What were you doing at 8 am this morning? This.
- What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Looking at job postings.
- What is your favorite candy bar? A big hunk of good dark chocolate.
- Have you ever been to a strip club? Yeah, blah.
- What is the last thing you said aloud? I hate my life. I say that a lot when I'm tired and suffering from insomnia.
- What is your favorite ice cream? How to choose? Chocolate, but it's got to be good ice cream.
- What was the last thing you had to drink? OJ baby.
- Do you like your wallet? I don't know, do you like your front door?
- What was the last thing you ate? Cheese melted on bread.
- Have you bought any new clothing items this week? I haven't bought new clothing in months, I don't think.
- The last sporting event you watched? Spanish-language soccer. GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!
- What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Popcorn-not-being-eaten-by-me flavor.
- Who is the last person you sent a text message to? Samuel Morse. It's, I say, it's a joke there son. Nice boy but dumb as a box of rocks.
- Ever go camping? Not if I can help it.
- Do you take vitamins daily? No. I should, but I'm bad about remembering daily habits.
- Do you go to church every Sunday? If my body is a temple, then I'm a devout worshipper at my own altar every day. Yes, that's a double entendre, not a sign of my ego.
- Do you have a tan? No, do you have change for a twenty?
- Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? Yes. If that makes me un-American, I don't want to be part of your stinking pizza-ocracy anyway. I like pizza, but at the end of the day there's really not that many different kinds of pizza, whereas there are thousands of different Chinese dishes. I could eat Chinese every day without getting bored with it. The same I cannot say for pizza.
- Do you drink your soda with a straw? I don't drink my soda at all if I can help it.
- What did your last text message say? "What hath God wrought." Look it up.
- What are you doing tomorrow? Same shit I've been doing every day for what seems like forever.
- Favorite color? To wear, black, not because I'm making pretenses at being part of a scene I don't deserve, but because it goes with everything and doesn't show stains. But I don't want everything to be black. I'm not the Rolling Stones.
- Look to your left; what do you see? A red door and I want it painted black. Couldn't resist. A bookshelf. There are a lot of them around.
I stole it from you too Lexi - hope you don't mind :P
Get some sleep! ;)
Sort of the point, I think.
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