Friday, November 12, 2010

Flash Haiku Friday

As there was no Flash Fiction Friday this week, for reasons I hope are nothing more than minor inconveniences, and as I have limited brain-space for much of anything, I've thought of the smallest thing I could do and done it.  Thus, Flash Haiku Friday.  The picture is something I had lying around; I don't know any credits, but I'd be happy to change that if someone else recognizes it.

Unknown Artist

flowing white silence

betrays energy within

she is the morning

lonely in dawn's light

or has he not awakened

to give her comfort

chill air warm bodies

temptation draws her to bed

day is forgotten

Three haiku.  I suppose if I were a scholar of Japanese poetry, I could have chosen a better verse-form for telling an extending story, but the haiku is brevity incarnate, and any of the three could be read in exclusion of the others.  I'm not a huge haiku fan (I'm much more into Chinese poetry, actually), but I do write them on occasion, although usually more as a joke and involving language not ordinarily found in courtly verse.  In this case, I've made an exception.

I thought about doing the haiku so each last line became the first line of the next, but I was too lazy.  There's probably a term for that, but I don't know what it is.

So, here's hoping that PB is okay and Flash Fiction Friday will return next week.  If not, I may start doing my own because it's basically the only thing I do any more.  Feel free to steal the image and use it for your own devices, although you could let me know if you do and I'll link to whatever you do.  Here's where I'd say something about how you should do that, but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

My apologies for the lateness of the hour, but it is still Friday.  Had I been more on the ball, this would have gone up this morning.


Max said...

Lovely pic, lovely verse. A DIY FFF. :-)

I also hope PB is well, and that FFF will return....

Naughty Lexi said...

Thanks Max, I echo your sentiments regarding PB.

Anonymous said...

I love your Flash Haiku Friday. We should add it to Flash Fiction Friday (or do a Flash Haiku Thursday...).

I'm sure PB will be back soon.

Naughty Lexi said...

I sure hope so; not just because I'm a selfish little shit, but because I hope he's okay and just was called out of town for something.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lexi, I like these 3 Haiku you've written. You write very well.