Thursday, November 25, 2010


I'm really sorry that posts have been quite thin this month; believe me, I'd much rather be writing about fun stuff than doing crappy stuff.  And I have some things to write about once I get a chance.  Thanks for your continuing patience.

So I'm just stopping in briefly to wish everyone, everywhere, a happy day.  I don't care if you don't do Thanksgiving, or you (like me) hate turkey, or you're all alone with no one to love.  Please have a good day.  Fuck commercialism, fuck holiday expectations, fuck all of that.  Just have a good day, and then get back on the horse tomorrow.  I know that's what I'm going to do.

And live in anticipation, because boy oh boy am I bubbling over with things I could blog about but haven't the time.


Anonymous said...

I didn't even know it was Thanksgiving until a friend called to say hello. I stopped paying attention to the holidays after years of watching my mother go through hell cooking over a hot stove all day for a bunch of drunken ingrates who couldn't be bothered to even say 'thank you'.
My message to the world is: if it sucks, just stop doing it. It's not against the law to ignore a holiday.
On the other hand, if you're into it, have a blast!

- Papa Bear

Anonymous said...


I think we are all having a bit of time trouble when it comes to writing in the blogs at the moment. I keep thinking I'll have the time, but it escapes.

BTW, wrote a bit to expand the last FFF. Think you might enjoy it.
