Monday, July 11, 2011

It's Not Sunday But...

I got these from Max, who in turn got them from Sunday Stealing. Why not?

1. When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water?
Who gets in and then starts the water? Is that really something people do? Because that seems like a really bad way to do it.
2. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
Showers are more fun with friends.
3. Were you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
Forced, no.
4. Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
I've done that while trying to catch the soap on top of my foot so I don't have to bend all the way over to pick it up and get shampoo in my hair. It seldom works.
5. How old do people say you look?
If they know what's good for them, my age or younger. No, only kidding; people don't usually say how old I look because it's the sort of thing that tends to come across as a faux pas even if I don't personally care. I mean, I don't want to hear that people think I look 90 or anything, but if people think I look slightly older than I am, I don't hold it against them. I'm a terrible judge of age myself, so I don't guess about other people either.
6. How old do you act?
Depends on what the role calls for.
7. What's the last song you sang?
Out loud? I don't know. I sing plenty, but I usually do it in my head. Or along with the radio or something. Oh, I know: I was noodling on the guitar and singing Robert Earl Keen's Merry Christmas from the Family. I know, it's July, but I like the song.
8. Have you recently become a member of anything?
A cast. Does that count? If we're looking for secret societies, no.
9. What are your plans for next weekend?
10. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?
Half and half, probably. I don't know that I have a preference.
11. Whats the sexiest thing about Sarah Palin?
Um... her body? She's attractive enough for a woman her age and demographic, but I can't say that I've got a massive thing for how she looks. And knowing who she is and what she stands for turns me off completely.
12. Who's the sexiest famous woman alive?
I can't answer; it requires far too much prioritization. There are a lot, repeat, a lot of hot famous women, and a lot of hot non-famous women, out there.
13. Who's the sexiest famous man alive?
Again, difficult to say, because there are just too damn many of them.
14. Does your family have a crazy uncle?
Yes. I suppose it depends on what you mean by "crazy" but it's a good kind of crazy.
15. Have you ever smuggled something into another country?
If I had the requisite anatomy I'd say, "Yeah, I smuggled a sausage into Down Under." But as I've never left the country and have no penis, I can't say that.
16. Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
I don't live in a city. Pretty sure we don't have any sports teams. Maybe the college football team is okay, but I hate collegiate sports so I don't know or care.
17. What is the most unusual?
Well, Tom Jones taught us that it's not unusual to be loved by anyone, so that can't be it. I might debate the lack of relativity as far as unusual is concerned: can you really be more unusual than something else? Is it like being unique? I suppose a person could be more or less unusual because they would be a collection of parts which could be unusual or not, just as certain aspects of something could be unique and when taken as a whole that would make the accretion more or less unique when compared to a similar composite, but in the end, can things exist in anything other than a binary state of usual/unusual? I suppose, as a synonym of "rare," "unusual" can be made superlative, because there are relative aspects of rarity and therefore... well, since unusual doesn't have a noun form, suppose we just say that this question is a strange one which might or might not be incorrectly-formulated and move on.
18. How do feel about the Goth people?
Sometimes I get tired of the ones who are clearly only doing it because of their issues and rubbing our faces in it, but then I get tired of lots of people for that reason. As a lifestyle choice, it's not really any worse than most others. If they're not abrasive about it, I could care less. I'm not one, never have been, and I'm fine with that.
19. Can you [del] or your significant other [fix] your own car?
Max already pointed out the error in this question. I'd just like to ask whether there are people who can't fix their own cars but can fix other people's. I don't even like to think about fixing my own or anyone else's car. It's not a girl thing, it's a hoodoo thing; I'm afraid I'll cause my car to stop working if I try to fix it. I have similar issues with certain other technological devices. But I can pull apart a light switch or lamp and fix it. I'm pretty handy when it comes to some things, just not others.
20. Would you want to kill Casey Anthony yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it?
My initial response was, "Who's Casey Anthony?" Then I remembered "the trial of the century" that I had been able to successfully avoid until last week (seriously, I had no idea it was happening), at which point I wondered what the heck the news was talking about. I don't believe in killing people, whether or not I was guaranteed to get away with it, and I won't even sully my mortal soul by considering the question if it's about this bullshit. What's next, asking me if I'd kill OJ? Robert Blake? Who cares?


Max said...

Why not, indeed? Fun answers. :-) I especially like:

1. Right, I can't imagine doing that - seems like a shower version of Russian roulette.

17. Kudos for attempting to answer the unanswerable. And doing a fine job. :-)

Naughty Lexi said...

I only gave #17 the time of day because I wanted to make the horrible Tom Jones joke. Which then turned around and bit me in the ass by having that song play in my brain for hours. And I'm seriously asking: does anyone get it before they turn on the shower, and what would possess this hypothetical shower-taker to do that?